viii. crossing paths

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a/n :

not really destiel but trust me you'll like this (((;


supernatural meets supernatural!

"cas! get your ass down here and help us!" dean yelled, slowly backing towards a tree along with sam as three windigos followed hungrily.

almost immediately, the angel responded to the winchester's call, appearing beside them to be at their aid. once he registered what was going on, he too began creeping back with the brothers. "dean, i can't take on all three of them. we'll need to go somewhere else," he hissed, secretly irritated with the situation.

"where could we go? there's monsters and creatures all over the map who want our heads!" sam intervened, pulling on his older brother's shoulder a bit so he had a more steady pace. off to the left of them, a low, gruff growl met their ears: they were no longer faced just with the windigos.

without another word, fearing any monster could hear of his plan, cas briefly placed his hands on the two's foreheads, instantly zapping the three of them to an overly decorated trailer. cursing, dean grabbed at his head, stumbling a bit due to the unexpected travel. sam, on the other hand, simply blinked harshly, shook his head, then began curiously inspecting the place.

it didn't take him but a minute to notice a picture and groan. "great! alternative universe again."

"you mean we have to play those stuck up assholes again?" dean asked, knowing exactly what his younger brother was talking about.

"not exactly," the angel added in, hoping that would brighten their spirits. rather relax, the two tensely turned towards him, ready to ask a million questions; however, the trailer door burst open before either could get a word in.

"man, the special effects were crazy toda- holy- what?"

upon seeing his doppelgänger, dean clenched his fists and nearly yelled, "damn it cas!"

rather freak out and become extremely terrified, the jensen ackles guy who the three remembered from last time began laughing. "j-jared! get misha! i-i owe him 167$!"

the second moose, jared pademeckemi or something, began laughing also. "i can't believe he w-was right!" he exclaimed before exiting the trailer, calling for that annoying guy from the last time they came to this universe.

"there's nothing funny about this situation! cas, how long are we stuck here?" sam asked, looking desperately at the angel of the lord who look uncomfortable.

"a month, at the least. we need to give our universe time to calm down, so there aren't monsters from everywhere after you two."

jensen quieted his laughing, wiping at a few stray tears as he sauntered to the three, wrapping an arm around dean as if he'd known him for years- which in a sense, he did. "sounds like a plan! man, i can't wait to show you around!"

dean sideways glanced at the guy and said between clenched teeth," move your arm, or else i'll have you begging to keep your damn fingers!"

pouting slightly, jensen reluctantly removed his arm as jared and annoying guy came running in, slamming the door shut to keep anyone else from entering or leaving.

"holy shit! i told you so! where's my money j?" he practically screamed, waving his hands around dramatically. the three me. began talking about the bet they had made on whether all this "supernatural" business was real, completely forgetting about the other three.

once all was settled, they all took in the fact that this was really happening.

"well- uhm. i'm ja-"

"yeah, yeah, yeah. jared pademeckemi or whatever. freckle face is jensen. and the annoying one is..." dean trailed off, trying to remember the name.

"misha. not that it matters. cause it's cas's name you'll be screaming later," he finished, winking at the baffled winchester.

"dude! you can't just say that!" jared said, punching misha jokingly.

--three hours later.--

"i was just explaining that it's totally okay if he gets a boner whenever dean happens to be arou-"

"excuse me?"

"dean, stop. put the gun down. "

"sa- shit, how'd you get the virus off of my laptop?"

within the past three hours, each actor paired with their respected characters- talking, teaching, and getting to know each other. of course, that was quite interesting. jared pried into sam's mind, getting him to open up and such. jensen and dean got along much more than the winchester anticipated. and finally, misha was talking to cas about feelings such as: love and lust- which got interesting very quickly.

sighing, dean sat down and jensen asked," so how long do we have to deal with nerds and sex talks?"

rubbing tiredly at his face, as this was merely just the first day, dean grumbled miserably, "a month."

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