xii. crossing paths pt. 2

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a / n:

kind of like last time ;)))) inspired by the amount of comments i received from Sky-full-of-stxrs . the love, hope, and support i receive from you all is truly inspiring and appreciated. but question. should i do crossovers like this more? much love for you all- always.



supernatural meets supernatural!! (dean centric.)

"dude... our wife is hot,"the oldest winchester said, lifting up a picture of jensen's wife and examining it fully.

snatching the picture away, the actor swatted the character's hand, grumbling, "she's my wife."

dean simply rolled his eyes, not in the mood for another "what's yours is mine technically" debate; therefore, he took a generous sip of beer and sat on the comfortable couch in jensen ackle's living room. it had only been a few days since team free will entered this alternate universe, but they had yet to hang out at their doppelgängers' homes. the six decided to all get together at each house over a course of three nights, rather the actor take their character to their home personally.

"so... me who's not me, who's the little ankle biters?" taking another sip, dean looked at yet another picture, only this time it was of jensen's wife with little kids.

"they're "ours". that one," he pointed to the oldest, although she was still very young," is justice. but we call her jay or jj. and those two," he then gestured to the few month olds," are twins. arrow and zeppelin."

dean couldn't help but smile, "kind of like the bands?"

jensen only nodded, smiling just as widely as he, too, eyed the picture. "just like the bands."

"more beer?" he offered, tearing his eyes from the picture and holding his hand out for the other's empty bottle. all dean did was nod, handing it over as he continued to stare at the picture in awe. once jensen was out of the room, he couldn't help but stand, pacing as he talked to himself.

"man... this guy's got it good. but... i'm technically this guy? kind of? i don't know. i never saw myself having a cookie cutter life but... damn, staring at this picture i'd think this was my cookie cutter life..."

someone cleared their throat from the doorway, causing dean to jump and nearly drop the delicate frame he was holding: it was jared. the tall man walked into the room, holding his own drink and sipping from it.

"now, i know i don't know you. but i do know  you dean. and your life doesn't have to be the way it is. sam," jared looked behind his shoulder before continuing, "is in the other room, staring at my wife and my kids and my dogs, telling himself the exact same thing. you two have put yourself through enough... i think it's time to call it quits."

sighing, dean rubbed his face.

"look padameckimoose, if you know me, if you know my life... then you know it's not that easy."

jared just shook his head, taking another swig before retaliating with, "you can save yourselves."

the eldest winchester just chuckled. "oldest rule of hunting: you can't save everyone."

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