xv. flower pots

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today. today. today's the day. i can do this. i've got this. i'm dean freaking winchester! no one can say no to this face! i'm se- oh my god, is that a blackhead? oh no, just a freckle. or is it? stop! stop. it doesn't matter. today. i'll do it today like i've been planning. what is this stain- ew! is that burger grease? i should change.

i stumbled out of the shop's bathroom, flinging the filthy brown jacket off before throwing it onto a nearby chair. dean winchester does not go to the floral shop looking like a mess. he can't. he- i need to be presentable, at my best.

i glanced out the auto shop's window, staring at the man who was watering hydrangeas outside in ninety degree weather. poor bastard.

"although i don't mind the staring, i think clarence might. you look like a creep," meg stated, nudging herself next to me, resting her pale hand by mine as she gazed longingly out the window also.

"did you see him yesterday?" i questioned, trying desperately to advert the topic.

meg hummed, smirking as she nodded enthusiastically, "i came this close to touching his arms in that tank," she gestured with her hands, squeezing her pointer and thumb less than a centimeter apart.

meg and i have been drooling over the new floral shop owner since he bought the place three months back. the most conversation i've been able to hold was about sunflowers, and i tripped over my words like my throat was a rock in the road.

"well," meg paused, looking at me expectantly, "are you gonna go ask him or continue crying to yourself in the bathroom after seeing him pet a dog?"

i scoffed, pushing her gently so she bumped into the counter a little, i don't cry over it. i just daydream.

wow, i really am pathetic.

fuck it.

i marched out of the auto shop, tired of the constant teasing and my procrastination. what was the worst thing that could happen? he could politely reject. that's it. nothing i couldn't handle.

he turned around, his breathtaking eyes raking over my body, oceans crashing into forests as our eyes met- his stare almost made me not realize he was spraying me with the hose. almost.

"oh my gosh, dean!" he exclaimed, quickly moving the hose away and rushing to turn it off.

my shirt was soaked through, sticking to my body in a kind of relieving way as the cold water felt good on my hot, flushed skin. now's a good chance to show off i guess.

i chuckled lightly, ringing out my shirt while staring at the man who was returning warily. he's so adorable. jesus christ, i wanna hold his hand or some gay shit like that.

"do you need another shirt? i keep some extras in the back incase something like this happens to me. you look about my size, i'm sure they'll fit. come on," he rushed, trying to wave me into the shop while i was still dripping head to toe.

when he stepped back outside, pouting slightly, i shook my head in a doggish way, water flinging everywhere. castiel laughed, covering his face while pretending to be disgusted.

he's beautiful.



"go ahead- no you go first. no-"

we both began laughing hysterically, his hand going over his mouth as my body leaned over slightly out of breath. when we finished, i stared at him, hoping to whoever listened he wasn't creeped out.

his cupid's bow peaked perfectly, those lips an amazing shade of rose pink. his skin was tanning easily in the summer months, but a dorky farmer's tan was expected due to his uniform everyday. his legs were crooked against each other, his posture slightly awkward as he continued to stand there expectantly.





oh shit, that's right.

i cleared my throat, my eyes flickering back to his as we made eye contact for a solid ten seconds. i felt like screaming. my mind raced as my mouth opened and closed like a fish gasping for water, my heart thumped against my chest, a bass guitar in an empty bathroom, my mind swirled, like it was drunk on his looks alone-

"if you're attempting to ask me out dean, the answer is yes."

fuck. meg is such a surprise ruiner.

a / n ;

a short, cute, unedited one shot.

love you all.


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