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Any dreams of a door creaking or bed sheets sliding were forgotten when Isabella's eyes open to the sunlight pouring into the bedroom of the beach house. She hears the sound of waves crashing and it takes her a moment to remember where she is, and why she is waking to the clanging of dishes downstairs. She smiles when she realizes that those sounds come from William Fryer.

She wishes she has more to wear. When they fled Mountain View she was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt with a button-up sweater. She and William made a quick stop to pick up a few things and she grabbed some light culottes and a blouse, but that is all she has. She would love to have something to throw on right now, something loose and thin, maybe short, something that she would wear as she stands by the window and sips the coffee that he has made for her. She wants him to see her that way, wants him to gaze upon her, wants him to see her backlit by the morning light. But she doesn't, so she finds the bathroom, gives her face a quick splash and readies herself for the day. Dressed again in her culottes, she walks downstairs to the kitchen and says, "Good morning, William."

"Hey there!" A cheery response. William has changed into a business-casual navy slacks and a pale shirt, as though he is going somewhere soon. He must have borrowed the clothes from the owner of the beach house, she figures. He looks amazing. "I was wondering if you were going to get up today at all."

Isabella knows it is nearly eleven. Their meeting with the lawyers is at one o'clock, with still a bit of a drive ahead of them. She smiles and takes the cup of coffee that he is offering her and walks to the patio. She sips and lets the warmth slide into her, while she prepares her mind for the day ahead.

She has been living in a dream state, the past day or so, but now it is time to face reality. She will be sitting down with lawyers to determine what her options are. She has the opportunity, she and William figure, to give Angelo the justice that he deserves. When she thinks of his treachery, how he tried to coerce her into sleeping with him, how he used Claude's career as ransom, and how, the son of a bitch, reneged on that part of the deal. Who does he think he is that he can act like that and get away with it? So what if he is the CEO—acting CEO, actually—of a huge corporation; he is not above the law. Today, she will plan her revenge. Angelo will know that he has tried to screw his last victim.

"Here, I made you a fruit salad. There is a great little market nearby. I popped out this morning and picked up a few things. I thought I would cook you dinner tonight. We'll eat in." The thought of her avenging Angelo is quickly replaced by the warming prospect of a romantic dinner with William. She feels her heart beating with excitement.

"You are too kind to me William." She wonders if a kiss would be appropriate here, now, but instead, puts her lips to the mug of coffee.

After a breakfast of fruit, yogurt, and freshly squeezed orange juice, Isabella cleans up while William is outside making a phone call. She hasn't spoken to anyone since the other night at Angelo's, hasn't replied to any messages. She knows people are going to be wondering why she hasn't shown up to work, that Franny will likely have called her parents. She hopes that they are not aware that she is missing. That would be the only problem with this plan, as far as she can see. The lawyers may see other problems.

The offices of Slausen and Crowley Attorneys at Law are bright, clean and professional. There is a smell, Isabella notices, that reminds her of something. Not the hospital smell, but close. She has never been to see a lawyer before and is a little nervous. Even though she has done nothing wrong, there seems to be a foreboding sense of guilt. Maybe that is what she smells.

Fryer and Isabella are sitting next to each other in the waiting room. While William flips through an art magazine, she imagines them as a couple, going to their lawyer to close the deal on their first house, or to prepare a will, or to do one of those big steps in life, steps done together. She knows she is being ridiculous, but these fantasies help keep her from thinking of the true task at hand.

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