Halloween 2016

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Charly and Sam are always excited for Halloween even though it never turned out like it should, but it's just so much fun! Getting costumes that are matching and having an excusion to meet friends and drink alcohol.

This year Charly dressed up as a skeleton. She even surched for contact lenses so she didn't have to wear glasses.
Sam went as a werewolf.
Yeah, I know what you are thinking:"But their Costumes are not even matching! So why the talk about matching Costumes?"

I'll explain it to you:

They thought about going as Dean Winchester (from the supernatural series) and some random Vampire Dean almost killed.
But... That's just to ordinary for them.
They wouldn't be able to wear crazy, fancy stuff or make-up. So they decided not to do so. Simple, right?

So Sam and Charly met at about 03:00 pm, they went to Charly's home and talked for 2 hours straight. Then they started getting ready. Hannah offered them to drive them to Leo. Yes, Leo. They were going to celebrate at his house, because Matt's parents are always making their own Halloween Party. So there wouldn't be much space between the... old People...
They took the offer and at about 06:30 pm they arrived.
They were first and Leo's brother, Percy, opened the door for them.

"Hey!", Charly and Sam, happily said.

-"Sup...", he replied.

They went in, took their shoes of and met Leo in the hallway.

-"Hey!", he said, lifting a Hand.

"Hey!", they said.

-"Hey there, Guys!", it was Leo's Mum. "Oh wow. You look great! Did you bring some things to style Leo?", she laughed mischievous, whilest she said it. Sam and Charly looked at each other. Both thinking the same.

"Why didn't we think of that?!", Charly asked.

-"I took my make-up with me.", Sam smirked.

Leo got seriously panicked.

"Oh no. No you're not doing this to me. Please.", he bagged.

Sam and Charly both laughed evily.

-"We're so going to do this.", Charly said.

He ran.

-"Crap!", Charly cursed.

"Get him!", Sam demanded.

They ran after him and held him.

And then they started their artwork on his face.

Shortly after they finished, Felicia and Matt arrived.
Felic dressed up as little red riding hood, with scratches on her face and Matt didn't dress up at all. But he refused to let Sam and Charly make him 'more beautiful'.
Dan couldn't come this day, 'cause he met with his girlfriend.
At least. With one of his girlfriends.
For information: he has two.

But it didn't matter. Percy kind of replaced him anyways. (xD)

Leo's parents were going on a birthdayparty so they had the whole house to themselves.
They drank some drinks and talked.
And talked. Until Sam asked Leo if she could connect to his WiFi.
Sam and Charly connected with it and Charly turned on YouTube and played some music. Some time later Percy organised a speaker, Charly connected via Bluetooth with the Device and played the music a little louder.

But they still just talked. Except for Felic and Leo. They danced, closely entwined, in the middle of the kitchen.

Some time after, they ate something and a few minutes later Charly told Sam to come with her.
They ran upstairs, into Leo's room. (Well they always do that when they're bored. Don't judge.) It was simple. A desk with a computer, a bed and a commode. Not to mention the fake katana in one corner.
So they stood there and heard Leo's parents coming home.

"Shit.", Charly said.

Sam looked to her with fear in her eyes. The reason they were so afraid was because, wouldn't it look weird if they are in his room? Like. Why would they be? And having no explanation makes it just more weird, doesn't it?
Also they would have to be downstairs, before Leo's parents would come upstairs. Mainly because they wouldn't know how long they'd need to get ready to go to bed and when they are in bed, would they close the door? And if not, would they be able to see them sneak around in the first floor for no particular reason? Also it would be weird. Everybody assumed they are on the toilet. So what would take them so long?

"Alright. Let's do this."

Charly stepped outside the room and ran. Sam followed her.

-"But... Where are the other two?", Leo's Mum asked.

"They are on the toilet, I guess.", somebody answered and at the exact same moment, Charly and Sam stood behind Leo's Mum.

-"Oh! There you are. I almost thought you already went home."

"Well. No we didn't.", Charly stated and laughed.

-"Alright then. Just say it when you have to be driven home." And then she leaved.

It soon went boring, but Matt and Charly had an intense Conversation about a Film Theory and stuff so yeah
Sam couldn't join it, because it was kind of a creepy topic and she doesn't like that kind of stuff.

At Midnight Percy asked his mother if she could now drive everybody home. (Because Charly asked him to do so.) and they all went home. One by one. And Felic and Leo danced in the middle of the kitchen 'til the very end.

The End

I'm so not happy with this chapter but ~whatever~

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