Chapter 5 (✔️)

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I froze.

"Marinette." He said again, sending shivers down my at the achingly familiar voice.

Slowly, I turned, although every single centimetre in me screamed in protest. I had my gaze lowered at the floor, refusing to meet his face, fear slowly creeping up behind me.

"Look at me."

Suppressing a deep shudder, I unwillingly tilted my head up to meet his gaze.

Clad in white leather, I couldn't help but notice every millimetre of him, with the skin tight suit clinging onto him in a fashion that left practically nothing to my imagination. The white gloves, that silver bell, the wild blonde hair and the sharp purple eyes — that highlighted against the colourless mask.

Eyes, that were burning with a questioning resentment. I felt like I was getting ripped apart from the inside, only from his scrutiny.

"What were you doing?" He asked, and his voice was quiet, but stern nevertheless.

My mind felt jumbled, as I grappled for an answer out of my meddled thoughts. I wanted to blurt out the truth, with no logical reason as to why, but the sensible non-nonsense sector of my brain remained to think that I couldn't do so. I didn't know why I was so distracted all of a sudden, as if being Marinette and seeing Chat was like being a different person entirely.

Maybe that was the case.

"I uh—I don't know what you're talking about." I said, bluntly saying the first excuse to come to my head.

Typical me.

His eyes narrowed, fingers flexing at his sides.

"Lie." He confirmed, and in two steps, crossed the room to stop right in front of me. I held back a flinch at his proximity. "I'll ask you again, more specifically this time. Why, were you following me?"

I gulped, my legs slowly turning into jelly. "As I said, I don't know." I silently begged for him to believe me.

There wasn't even a sign of hesitation as his eyes slid over my figure and I was suddenly knocking my head against the cold plaster wall, an arm digging into my neck and cutting off my air supply. I desperately tried to inhale, as a natural reflex, but found myself wasting my breath, wheezing.

"Answer me."

I shook my head, stubbornness taking the better of me. "I told you, I—" I choked out, my eyes widening as the force hardened, completely cutting my ragged breaths off.

"Wasn't following me down the street? Thinking that I would be stupid enough not to notice? I'll ask you for the last time, why, were you following me?" He snarled, the anger amplifying.

My lungs frantically tried to work for air, making it impossible for me to even think of the weakest reply. My head felt light and airy, my chest starting to ache from the lack of oxygen.

My mouth moved to make a sound, to blurt out to him that I admitted it, but no sound came out. My vision began to blur, and my throat constricted. I met his eye in urgency, begging him to let go.

His figure was stony as ever, eyes cold diamonds that wouldn't break until I gave him a suitable answer.

But in the moment I swore I would faint, I gathered up the final bit of consciousness inside me to give out a raspy "please."

Finally, he seemed to snap out of something in an instant, his eyes widening — from what I didn't know. Then he sighed, and reluctantly pulled away, never once relaxing. 

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