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"No, try again."

"But I don't want to! This is useless and time-wasting. Every minute I do this with you is a moment I could be doing something else worthwhile."


"Then you will remain unaware of knowledge."


"Well all you've given me, are the letters: B, E, T, R and A. What else am I supposed to think?"


"Well then, you're obviously not trying hard."

"Of course I'm not! I don't care about any of this!"

"Don't speak to me in that tone young man!"

"I am eighteen now. I don't think you have any right to tell me what to say."

A breath of exasperation.

"Dear child, do you even realise that I'm doing this for your own good?"

"How come you only seem to like bothering me, and not my brother? Why me?"

"Because you can handle it. Because you are destined for greater things than he."

A sigh.

"When can you ever stop talking to me in riddles mother?"

"They're not riddles, they're only information that you don't understand."

"What do you mean by: 'I can handle it'?"

"He has a weaker mind."

"So suddenly, I'm a much better son than he is? Suddenly, I'm appreciated as the better one?"

"No, and that is not the subject of the current situation. Guess again."

"You are dodging my question!"

"And maybe that is for the better in the time being."


"No more questions. Guess, concentrate, think!"

Gritted teeth.



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