Chapter 3

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I want to know what the wyrdkeys can do. I put all three stones in my hand and experiment.

"It's a bad idea." warns Aedion. Rowan agrees. I scoff. Why do all fae males have to be like that?!

"Give me a break." I say. "I'm only trying small stuff, not conjuring up a portal. And anyways, you two should know better. Telling me not to do things only encourages the opposite." 

Aedion groans ands Rowan slumps in a chair in defeat. I smirk. Rowan and I don't talk about my dreams, mostly because I never bring it up. He told me to let it go, and I think I should do that too.

Dorian runs into the room, Lysandra just behind, chasing after him in ghost leopard form. I laugh. Lysandra's sense of humour is particularly amusing. 

"Please tell Lysandra to stop doing that!" Dorian exclaims. "Its not funny!" 

"Oh, but it certainly is," smirks Manon as she enters the room. Dorian and her share a warm gaze. I don't want any distractions while I'm practising, so I move to the far corner of the room. So far, I can't lift a table without lifting the chairs, and the cupboards too. This magic is over-rated.

Suddenly, I drop the wyrdkeys. They land with a thud. Everyone looks at me, their eyes questioning my action. I don't know what is happening, but all I can feel is someone pushing me, locking me away in my own mind. A feeling too familiar. I'm suddenly petrified. I start to try and rip out of my cage, but the bars that used to be wood were now metal. My possessor lets me see what is happening, the worst kind of torture possible. My hands pick up the wyrdstones, and I can feel myself smirking. I'm trying to get out, but my powers are wasting away. Looks like I'll have to sit back and enjoy the show...


Well, Deanna has returned!

 I'm not sure if I would say she's a bad person, because we don't know what she's really like. What do you think? Let me know!


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