Chapter 14

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Rhysand's P.O.V

Finally, we were going to rescue Feyre.
After speaking to Rowan I felt more confident in our mission. We were going to save her. We were not going to fail. I had not one, but two courts behind me. I reached through the bond.

Rhysand! Is it time?

Yes Feyre it's time. Be ready.

I smiled at our combined courts standing in front of me. Cassian put an arm around my shoulder and faced the others with a smirk.

"Let's kick the Spring Courts ass."

Feyre's P.O.V

After receiving the message from Rhysand, a wave of happiness rushed through me.
I was finally getting out of here.

I quickly put on some clothes and ran out of my bedroom, before bumping into a tall figure in the hallway.

"Going somewhere, Feyre?" He asked.

"No no Lucien, I just wanted to get an early start to the day. In fact, I'm going to have my breakfast now too. Care to join me?" I lied without hesitation.
Lying became easier as I spent more time at the manor. More of a habit whenever I engaged in a conversation with Tamlin. Trying to distance myself from him became harder and harder each day.
I smiled at Lucien, and walked away, before a hand gripped by wrist, forcing me to look at him.

"Really Feyre? You expect me to believe that bullshit?"

"What Lucien? Can I not wake up early for once?"

"Oh really? Well should I wake up Tamlin and see what he thinks?"

My heart began to pound in my chest. Lucien smiled.

"That's right Feyre. I didn't believe your sob story from Day 1. I remember when I met you in the forest with Rhysand. I could feel your bond. Nobody can break that." He said, a hint of sadness in his eyes. My sister maybe?
I gave up. No more lying. Lucien was not as bad as Tamlin.

"Alright Lucien. Can you please not tell Tamlin?" I pleaded, looking down at my shoes. I couldn't look at him knowing that he knew I betrayed him. I felt almost guilty.

"I swore a vow that I would stand by Tamlin when he took me into the Spring Court," Lucien said sadly. "But you shouldn't be confined to a place you don't feel happy in."
I smiled at him, grateful for his pardon.

"Does this mean-"

"Yes, I will pretend I did not know anything about your feelings. But remember, you owe me Feyre."

I sighed, relieved by Lucien's words.

"How would I repay you?" I asked, knowing that I had to give him something in return. It was the least I could do before I returned to the Night Court. My Court.


My sister was at the Night Court, along with Nesta.

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