Chapter 11

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Ever since ACOWAR came out, I wasn't sure to continue this story. I mean, all questions about Feyre in Tamlin's court was solved, right? But I realised that it didn't matter, because I could choose a different way in how Feyre and Aelin's story would end. So just if your wondering, this story WILL NOT follow the path after ACOWAR and will still be set before ACOWAR and after ACOMAF :)

P.S (f you ever need someone to fangirl about ACOWAR to, I'm here (It was so damn good!!)


Aelin'S P.O.V

After we ate our meal and ordered another helping of steak for Rhysand, he began to tell us the plan.

"First of all, can any of you shift into animals or other beings?" he asked our court. "Apart from Lysandra, obviously,"

"Hawk." Rowan stated coldly. I smiled. It reminded me of how he talked to me in Wendlyn. The cold voice, his green eyes staring down whoever he was talking to, no hint of a smile whatsoever like you were nothing but a speck of dust. Good times. Rowan looked at me with an apologetic face. I think he caught all of that. I smiled sweetly at him, reassuring him that that was in the past, but he can still be a prick at times. Rowan smirked.

"Anything you want! I'm a natural born shape-shifter heehee just say the word and BAM I'm it," Lysandra laughed, clicking her fingers for emphasis. 

"Lysandra, how many glasses of that faerie wine did you have?" I asked sternly. 

"Ummm... I can't remember!"  She replied, unable to keep that cheesy grin off her face. Amren sighed. 

"At least she's isn't a non-magical human, then she would be really drunk after just one glass," Rhysand said, with a dark look in his eyes. Did something happen to a human he knew after they drank some? I wanted to inquire further, but decided to stay put. Perhaps I would learn later.

Elide looked wary, and pushed her glass away.

"Elide, you have witch blood in your veins. You'll be fine," Manon said.

"And what about you Manon? Isn't that your fourth glass?" Dorian challenged.

"Iron teeth, Iron-will," Manon declared, chugging the contents of her glass down.

"Okay, back onto the subject," I exclaimed. "So, here's the plan."

Rhysand's P.O.V

I clicked my fingers and a map appeared on the table. A map of Prythian. I could've just brought one with me, but the looks on Aelin's court's faces were worth it.

"We can winnow. It's basically being able to go places in a blink of an eye. But we can't winnow into the Spring Court. Tamlin's over-protectiveness resulted in guards guarding the borders on the North, West and East," I said.

"But not the South," Aelin pointed out. I grinned. 

"Nope not the South. The Wall already protects the Southern border, but it is weak. Before, we could not winnow through it, but now we can. As long as you're holding our hand, you will winnow with us."

Aelin surveyed the map before her. 

"So you're planning on winnowing us to the human side of the border, just so we can go through the wall and enter the Spring court?

"Correct, but we need to consider the guards outside the castle. And that's why we need you. Cassian will explain this bit."

"Any of you guys have a pen?" he asked. Amren sighed and passed one to him.

"I never leave home without one you nincompoop," she said exasperatedly. Cassian rolled his eyes and drew a large square in the middle of the Spring Court area of the map. Tamlin's manor.

He then proceeded to draw 3 circles on each side of the manor. The guards.

"There are 3 guards surrounding the manor on each side, Your job is to not kill them please, we have a reputation, but knock them out and hide them somewhere long enough for you to put on the armour and impersonate them as guards.

"Why do you need us to play dress up for you?" Lysandra asked, now a tiny bit more sober.

"There are not enough of us to without your court to successfully get rid of all the guards," I explained. "Also Mor is needed in the Court of Nightmares, so she can't come," Mor nodded.

"Even though we are all powerful, the guards have been specially trained to fight against us.  It's not like we won't win, it'll just cause a lot of bloodshed and will cause big scene,"

'Won't Tamlin be alerted when we fight them?" Rowan inquired. 

" Nope, since Tamlin doesn't wake up till midday these days," I said. Everyone looked at me, surprised.

 "Feyre has been giving me information over the bond. Tiny snippets that can be useful" I grinned. "Oh! then Lysandra, you need to shift into Tamlin and lead Feyre out of the house and through the wall, so we can winnow back,"

"Will no-one suspect anything?" Lysandra asked, a lot more sober now. Mor smirked.

"Nope. the point of you pretending to be guards is to tell Tamlin when he wakes up that you've heard of some disturbance in the forest. That's when I will unleash some of the monsters from the Court of Nightmares to delay him, when he's in the forest, while you guys get Feyre,"

"Why can't Feyre just walk out of the manor herself?" Elide asked.

"That over-protective bastard doesn't even let her go outside, by blocking off all the exits," Azriel murmured as his shadows flowed around him. 

"So, like a prisoner," Elide said, her eyes darkening. I wondered why, so call me nosy, as I saw into her head.

 Elide's mind was a dark place, filled with hunger, and chains, and horrible figures laughing at her. Aelin hugged her tightly. 

"Yes, like a prisoner," I said softly, not wanting to upset the young girl further. I should really be showing her and the others how to put up mental shields. Aelin put her hands on the map, and looked at me.

"So we "winnow" with you guys to the human side of the wall, then enter through the wall to the Spring Court. We disable the guards, and pretend to be them, so that we can tell lazy ol' Tam that we heard something in the forest. He'll go there, then the monsters from that Nightmare Court will distract him, while Lysandra shifts into Tamlin to bring Feyre back. Thats the plan, correct?" she said. I nodded, pleased that she caught all of that.

"Then we will get the stones back afterwards, even if the plan backfires?" she asked. I flashed a smile at her.

"Don't worry love, I made up the plan, it won't backfire, and yes afterwards you will get your precious stones back." Aelin smirked.

"Well then, when do we start Rhysand?" she asked. I grinned.

"Tomorrow, so you and your court get some rest. You can take the spare bedrooms in the House of Wind. Amren will take you there," Amren stood up and ushered the court to the door.

"Oh and Aelin?" Aelin looked behind her shoulder.

"Yes love?" she asked. Rowan growled. I laughed. 

"You and your court can call me Rhys."


Thanks for reading so far! Chapter 12 next :)


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