Chapter 15

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The Escape: Part 2/2

Lysandra's P.O.V

Elide and I rushed to the manor. We opened the oak door and were confronted with a large hall, full of bustling servants with food and cleaning maids, dusting the chandeliers. I started to get nervous. Elide sensed it.

"Lysandra, what are you going to say?" She whispered.

"Erm excuse me, but have you seen Fey-"

"No no!" Elide cut me off. I looked at her confused.

"You have to show a sense of authority! You're the boss, remember?"

Okay. I was the boss. Sense of authority. Got it.

I spied a short man placing a bowl of shrimps on the large table. They looked good.

"Hey! You there!" I growled at him. He jumped and tucked his apron in.

"Me?" He asked, pointing to himself.

"Yes, you. Where is Feyre?" I said. He scratched his neck and pointed to a small door.

"Last I saw her was in the gardens," He said timidly.

"Thank you," I said, grateful for the help. He bowed and started to lay out cutlery.

"Come on!" Elide said, yanking my arm towards the door. I quickly grabbed a shrimp and thew it into my mouth. Elide raised her eyebrows.

"What? They looked good!" I exclaimed. She looked at the bowl of seafood.

"It wouldn't hurt," She murmured, and tossed three in her mouth.


We both ran to the small door and opened it. We were faced with a large garden, full of blossoms and tulips, with roses scattered across the fences, curving in and out of the neatly trimmed hedges. There was a small pond in the centre, occupied by ducks, and surrounded by benches.  A pretty lady, with long golden-brown hair in a messy bun, was feeding the ducks. She wore a grey pullover and white pants and leather boots. I liked her style.

"Feyre?" I asked, as her blue-grey eyes darted towards me in alarm.

"Tamlin!" She smiled, or her attempt at one, as she stood up from her bench.

"Oh no, I'm not that tool. I'm a shapeshifter, Lysandra, who's helping Rhysand to rescue you, now come on, let's go!" I grabbed her hand, but she hesitated.

"How do I know you're not Tamlin?" She  asked. Elide nudged me.

"Go on, transform back!" She said. Feyre looked at her, confused.

"I'm also helping. I'm Elide; it's a long story," She explained. As quick as a wink, I transformed back to my feminine self. Feyre gasped.

"Now do you believe me?" I asked, my voice raised by an octave. She nodded hurriedly.

"Get me out of here," She whispered. I transformed back, and took her hand. The garden was surrounded by tall fences. We had to go back through the manor.

I acted nonchalant, and walked her back through the manor with Elide. The oak door was right in front of me.

Almost there.

We're getting closer!

Before I attempted to open the door, it swung rapidly into my face.


Tamlin was standing in front of us.

Feyre's P.O.V


This couldn't be happening!

The real Tamlin took a double take as he saw Lysandra in his identical form.

"What in the Cauldron is going on here?!" He yelled, causing all of the servants to look this way. I heard gasps of surprise and shock echo across the room.

"Are you Rhysand? Are you trying to deceive my love?!" He yelled again. I heard all the servants run out of the room. They knew that when Tamlin was in one of his fierce tempers, nothing would get in his way. He always got what he wanted.

That sickened me.

"Ermm..." Lysandra said. She was lost for words, but her companion, Elide, spoke up.

"He is you from the future!" She exclaimed. I smacked my face. Lysandra glared at her.

"I beg your pardon?" Tamlin growled.

"The... cauldron thing... you like, made you travel back in time, to...uh, give your past self a warning!" She continued. Tamlin looked at me.

"Is she telling the truth?"  He asked. I shrugged.

"Find out for yourself!" I said. Tamlin inhaled, before staring at Lysandra.

"," He snarled. "What was the warning?"

Lysandra smirked and stared back.

"A shapeshifter will enter your lands. She will pretend to be you, and take Feyre to return her to her true love," She said. I smiled. Unfortunately, Tamlin didn't get it. He looked confused.

"Who is her true love?!" He exclaimed. "It's me!" He stomped.

"I don't recall that being the case," A voice purred from behind the doorway. It sounded familiar.

Elide's P.O.V

"Rhysand!" Feyre exclaimed, and ran up to him. He wrapped his arms around her body, and they both embraced each other. I smiled at them. Tamlin, on the other hand, was furious.

"Have you hypnotised her again?!" He snarled, trying to get in between Rhysand and Feyre. Feyre scoffed.

"Are you really that thick Tamlin? I was never hypnotised. I pretended to love you. But my heart belongs to Rhys." Tamlin's knees buckled as she and Rhys locked lips. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

Tamlin glared at Feyre.

"We are over," He said and attempted to punch Rhys. He easily dodged it.

"Dear Tam, you and Feyre were always over," He smirked. Tamlin punched the wall. It left a large crack, like a broken mirror. He stomped away.

"Have her," he said as he looked back.
"You both manipulative beings suit each other."

And with that he slammed the door behind him.

Rhys and Feyre shook their heads, smiling.

"What a temper," Rhys murmured, as they leaned in for a kiss again. Elide coughed audibly. They smiled.

"Thank you Elide, for stalling him," Feyre said. I grinned.

"Yeah where did that story come from?" Lysandra asked as she transformed back to her original self.

"Hey, I panicked!" I exclaimed. They all laughed. We walked back to the forest, meeting the others along the way.

"I apologise," Amren said. "Tamlin left Lucien to fight the monsters as he went to check on Feyre."

"What a prick," Aelin mumbled.

"Is Lucien okay?" Feyre asked. Amren nodded.

"Don't worry, he's fine."

Feyre glanced at all of us.

"I am grateful for all of you helping to rescue me. But I can't help wondering...who are you guys?"

Aelin laughed and slung an arm over Feyre's shoulder.

"It's a long story." Feyre smiled, instantly liking her boldness.

"I have time."

Feyre has been rescued can I get a whoop whoop


A NEW WORLD: Acotar and tog ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora