Chapter 5

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Aelin's P.O.V

I remember some parts of being trapped in my own body. But if it was from yesterday or the day at a Skull Bay, I guess we'll never know. But no time to ponder, as the portal was not closing.

"Can't you do something about it?" Aedion asked. I glared at him.

"No, actually cousin, because we have no damn clue how these stones work and my powers are definitely drained!" I replied, exasperated. Manon looked at Dorian, questioningly. He shook his head.

"I don't think I could either," he admitted. Rowan agreed. Our powers definitely could not be compared to the power of the wyrdstones. But what about all together?

"I don't know if this will work, but Dorian, Rowan and I could combine our powers to close the portal?" I suggested. Rowan shook his head.

"Our powers all combined will just create more chaos and we could all be sucked into the portal." He explained. I scoffed, about to tell him not to worry so much, when all of a sudden Elide burst in.

"I heard something what happen-" When she saw the portal her eyes widened, looking at us for an excuse.

"Long story, but Deanna came back," Aedion explained. Elide looked at me with concerned eyes, I gave her a sympathetic smile, telling her that I'm alright now. She walks unto the portal and observes it.

"This is very unusual. I wonder where it leads to- AAAGHH!" Her statement was stopped by a frightening scream. The portal was sucking her in.

"Hang on!" Manon screamed, her arms about to burst out of their sockets trying to keep her in.

"Elide!" I yelled, rushing over to her. 

"HELP ME PLEASE!" She pleaded. Everyone came to help, but something was tingling in my pocket. The wyrdstones. Suddenly, they levitated through the air from my pocket, and almost willingly were sucked into the portal.

"NO!" I screamed, almost losing grip, but I held on, for Elide's sake. Everyone gasped. Elide looked at us.

"If I go, I'll be able to retrieve them," She said with a strained voice, almost completely on the other side of the portal. 

"No Elide. I just found you. I'm not going to let you leave me." I pleaded, my grip tightening on her arm. She smiled sympathetically.

"Goodbye your Majesty." She said, and forcefully yanked her body into the portal. I screamed, and without thinking, ran into the portal. I heard Rowan yell, and ran in too. So did the others.


I entered a void of darkness, no time, no place, no sound. I couldn't see the others. All I could see was a light coming from a far away hole. With my head splintering, I almost swam through the darkness to get to the hole. Out of breath, I panted, and with one final push, I swam through the hole.


I landed in a city, full of bustling people and busy shops. Where the hell am I? I saw the others far off, and ran to them. Rowan looked at me with relief, as I embraced him. Aedion coughed. He pointed to a figure in the distance. I recognised her instantly.

"Elide!" I yelled, rushing to hug her. She hugs me back, with tears in her eyes. Manon rushes forward too, overjoyed that she's ok. Rowan smiles, but then replaced by a grave expression.

"Does anyone know where we are?" He asked. I looked a some of the people walking. Pointed ears and long limbs. Must be fae I thought. "Lets ask that lady over there," Dorian said, gesturing to a lady selling flowers. Rowan winces. I hold his hand, remembering the past that haunted him. Lysandra walked up to her.

"Excuse me, but where are we?" she asked. The lady looked at her bewilderingly.

"Umm... your in Velaris, in the Night Court," She replied. "The best court in all of Prythian."


The crossover begins!

I will be writing more soon, but exams! :(

Follow me if you enjoy the story, and I will follow you back ;)

I bet you can't wait till they meet Rhysand, and honestly, I'm really excited to write about it too


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