Chapter 33

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Derek had his arms wrapped around Mia as they both laid on the couch together watching a movie. He kept his hands on her growing stomach that now had a visible bump. Now that Mia was 5 months pregnant they had gone to get the ultra sound and if asked Derek will deny that tears fell when he heard his son's heartbeat. Yeah, they were having a boy.

Mia changed her mind about knowing the sex of the baby and she was happy either way. When the two showed Damien and her mother the pictures they took, the two had cried. Mia and Derek afterwards headed home since Mia had gotten another day off.

Dr. Geyer said he wanted her to relax as much as possible since her stomach had seemed to grow overnight and was now visible. On their way out they ran into John who was really happy for the two but, also concerned with the deadpool that was going. They told him they would be careful since it seemed that Derek had added an extra alarm system to Mia's loft and he practiced harder using a gun just in case. Damien had taken it upon himself to teach Derek better self defense since Mia is unable to.

So, the couple decided to spend the day relaxing. It was getting late and Mia could feel herself starting to close her eyes when the doorbell rang. She sighed and was about to get up when Derek stood up behind her. "It's fine. I'll get it. You stay here. It's probably just Damien who forgot his keys." He said and she nodded. He went to the door.

Mia turned her head as Derek opened the door. She saw Lydia, Scott, and Parrish walk in. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked politely as she stood up. She was wearing Derek's sweatshirt that was big enough that made her stomach less visible and leggings since her jeans no longer fit her.

The three shared a worried glance making the couple sigh knowing that their day of relaxation was cut short.


Mia gave Jordan a check-up to make sure he was perfectly fine as Scott and Lydia finished explaining what happened while Derek kept a narrowed gaze on the Deputy. "He covered you in gasoline?" The brunette asked turning his hands over in hers. She didn't notice how his gaze seemed to be lingering on the ring that was on her finger.

Lydia pursed her lips. "It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead."

"Well, they should be gone." Mia said pulling away from Parrish and stood beside Derek who immediately wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

Jordan scoffed. "I was set on fire. All of me should be gone." He pointed out. He glanced at the brunette who gave him a small smile. He knew it was wrong to have a crush on a woman who was engaged but, after meeting and talking to her a few times she went to the sheriff station and the time she took care of his injury. He couldn't help but be attracted to her.

"I mean I might have a few ideas but, I can't be too sure." Mia murmured already thinking about what Jordan could be.

"Not if you're like us." Scott said after seeing that his sister was thinking. He knew that if anybody had any idea of finding out than it could be her and Derek.

Jordan's brows furrowed in confusion. "Like you?"

"I don't think he's like us." Derek said knowing that a werewolf can't possible heal from being set on fire. His family was a perfect example of that. Peter had been lucky that his injuries weren't that horrible or extensive.

Scott sighed knowing he was right. "Then what is he?" He asked glancing between his sister and Derek.

Derek shrugged. "Sorry, but I have no idea."

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira." Scott pointed out.

"This is a little out of my experience." Derek defended himself.

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