[8] The Whale & the Shark

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omg you guys got this story to #5 in fan fiction and this is only chapter eight that's absolutely cray cray yo


Jake Yoder

Three Weeks Later

With a beer in one hand and my phone in the other, I angrily hung up on Avery's mom who lived in Nebraska. I let her know that Avery left me, and when she asked for an answer, I told her that I thought it was that I worked too much.

In my head, I planned on how I would find her, what I would do to her when I found her. She wouldn't be able to leave the house anymore, that was for sure. When I found her I would make her fear me, fear me so much that she wouldn't dare leave me again.

I took a sip of my beer, the bottle almost empty. The apartment was a wreck and it had only been two weeks without her, but along with the fact that I didn't clean up after myself, I'd thrown some things across the place, shattered a lamp, broke the coffee pot, Avery's laptop. There was even a favorite stuffed animal, Suzie the Seagull or something dumb like that, it was Aimee's. I ripped the head off.

Trying to get my mind off things, I went on aol news. Scrolling through the different, pointless articles about how to lose weight and different murder cases that I really didn't care about, I stopped dead in my tracks at one.

'Kate Winters, 21, said to attempt murder of One Direction band member Niall Horan.'

As quickly as I could, I grabbed my phone, the laptop on my lap completely falling onto the carpeted floor. Kate Winters was one of my co-workers that I worked with a year ago, and we had a little thing going. Avery had no idea about it, though, she's as clueless as a child.

After I dialed her number, I waited for what felt like forever. I knew that Kate was an inspiring criminal investigator, and when she wanted to find people, she found them.

"Hello?" A feminine voice said on the other line. I smirked to myself.

"Kate, it's Jake." I said. "I have a question for you."

I heard a faint giggle on the other end, Kate was always giggling. She knew that I had a kid and a girlfriend, but that didn't stop her from flirting nonstop. She moved to Pennsylvania only six months ago.

"Alright." She exhaled loudly. "I'm assume this is about the scandal on the news? I'm like one of the most wanted in the world by all of these immature pre- teens now."

I chuckled. "Sort of. You remember my, er, girlfriend, Avery? She left me about two weeks ago. So I wanted to propose an idea, an idea where we find your little popstar and my girlfriend both."

"So you're saying, you'll help me find Niall Horan, as long as I help you find that little girlfriend of yours?" I could tell with the sound of her voice that she was growing fond of this idea.

"Exactly." I bit my lip.

"Alright, you've got my attention. I'll do it."

I smirked and nodded, proud that I actually thought of something that worked really well while a bit tipsy.

"You realize that they won't be anywhere near eachother, right? They've probably hid Niall Horan on some private island, or something. There's no way they'd be anywhere close to eachother, so you'd have to go out of your way."

"I don't care, I'm going through with this. I'm getting my girlfriend back to me."

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