Male! Megara x Goddess! Reader: Just In Time

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(A/N: Hi, Author- chan here. Yes I know it's been centuries since I have updated I'm sorry. The way that my writing works is that if I get an idea I will write it down but then not know where to go on from there. It takes me a long time to finally know what I am doing. I try to hurry up the process but I'm still working on it. I am still working on the other requests and I'll try to get them out soon. Thank you for voting and for commenting. All of your comments help me continue writing. I hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry if it isn't good enough.)

Requested By:



You were the goddess of nightmares. (Y/n), daughter of Hades and Persephone, Princess of the Underworld. You inherited beauty and patience from your mother and the deadly and dark rage from your father, but you were much closer to your father than your mother because of the amount of time that you spend in the Underworld. And since you were so close to him, he often sent you to watch over Pain and Panic when they did his dirty work. After a few eons your father obtained a new companion to help you watch over the two "helpers." His name was Morgan. The only problem was that the both of you didn't get along. The arguments that you would get in with said man often caused you to set your father on fire. Everyday you somehow ended up fighting with Morgan and today was most likely not going to be an exception.

Your father had summoned you to his presence. Probably to yell at you for something that Morgan had blamed you for. You sigh before entering his throneroom, bracing yourself for whatever he decides to say to you. You walk in, and see Morgan standing next to your father staring at you with a smug smile. Damn him and his annoying habits. You glare back at him. "You called for me father?" you ask. "I did," he replies. "I called for the both of you because I need to discuss a matter that would have been dealt with a long time ago if it wasn't for the carelessness of Pain and Panic." "What matter?" you ask. "Some time ago Zeus had a son. His name was Hercules and he was supposed to be very powerful. I sent Pain and Panic to go kill him for me, I didn't want him to interfere with my plans of ruling over Olympus. The worms made a mistake, the young hero had to drink every drop of the poison that I made for him, but he didn't, he missed one drop. He is alive, mortal, and a threat to my plans for the uprising. So I'm going to need for you and Morgan here," he says motioning towards the man, " to find a way to end his life."

Hades shows the two of you the different monsters he has been sending to Hercules. "He has gotten powerful, he destroyed the Nemean Lion, the the Lernaean Hydra, he captured the Ceryneian Hind and he captured the Erymanthian Boar." Morgan laughs. "Well look like your plan to kill him is going to go down the drain." "No it's not!" Hades rages. "That man has been hitting every curve you throw at him." Morgan eyes your body. "Or maybe you haven't been throwing the right curves." the flaming man seems to not understand what it is that Morgan is implying, but you catch on right away. "What do you mean?" he asks. "I mean that your daughter is a very beautiful girl. She can find a way to get Hercules to show her a weak side of him that no one has ever seen before." Hades seems to consider the possibility. "Perhaps she could but we need to have a very good plan what she will do to get him to tell her all his secrets and what we will do afterward." "Excuse me! You are acting as if I am not here! Do I not get a say on what my actions should be?" "Of course you do my dear but we see this as only a possibility." he lies. "And you would really love it if I agreed to this, wouldn't you?" "Wouldn't you want to make your father happy?" You soften your tone a little, "Of course I would father, but I don't want to be used as a chess piece for your plan to conquer the world. That's all I ever seem to be to you!" "No, no, no honey you are not a chess piece to me. You never have been, but could you act as a damsel just one last time?" You huff in defeat, roll your eyes and walk out of his throne room. He was lucky that you were his daughter. As you walk back to your chambers you hear footsteps behind you. Knowing that it is Morgan who has come to start a fight. You pick up your pace so that you can enter your room and be alone for a bit. Morgan however jogs to your side, "Hey calm down you don't have to act so angry all the time." "I only act angry when I am near you. You manage to piss me off with whatever little thing you do." "Well I'm sorry for pissing you off by being alive/ dead. Now, Hades sent me here so that we can formulate a good plan that will make Hercules fall madly in 'love' with you." He says "love" with an angry expression which takes you by surprise. "Well well, I never knew you weren't so fond of love. What happened? Did some girl deside to turn you down?" "It's really something I don't like to talk about." he replies sadly. You have never seen him this way. He is usually joking around with you or finding ways to make you mad, so seeing him in a state of sadness really made you worry. "Morgan you can tell me. I know that we have never been the best of friends, but perhaps if you told someone it would help you feel better." he looks at you almost in disbelief. You try again, "I am willing to listen if you would allow me to." "He smiles a little bit and begins his story.

"Eons ago your father took the life of my beloved. I loved her so much that the thought of not being with her or the thought of her gone made me give up my own life so that she could live again. But another man came into her life and she forgot about me. She forgot what I did for her and left with him." Morgan looked saddened for a little bit then seemed angry. "Which is why I don't believe that love exists for me. Maybe I fell in love with the wrong girl maybe it was with someone else that I was supposed to fall for, I don't know why it had to be her. What did I do wrong? Did I not love her enough?" he looks at you desperately for answers. "You did everything just right. It was the girl who couldn't see it. I'm sure that there is someone who will love you or... or already loves you." As you say this, you can feel your cheeks turn red. That someone was you. You felt mixed emotions for the man. Somewhere between jealousy, pity, disgust, attraction, hatred... love. You were jealous that he had a mortal life and didn't have to see all of the wars that gods had caused. You felt pity because of the way that he had to die. You had felt disgust at how he would try to flirt with you. Hatred because of his annoying habits. And love seemed to not have a reason. Maybe you loved him for all of the previous reasons. Maybe you felt closer to him now that he finally opened up to you. As you process all of the emotions that you never knew you felt before you don't notice him staring at you with a hint of a smile. "Do you know of someone who already loves me?" he teases. "No," you reply quickly he can tell you're lying and raises an eyebrow. "Maybe, yes, shut up!" you reply covering your face with your hands. He laughs out of happiness of what you told him and pulls your hand away from your face. "I love you too." He smiles as he leans in and kisses you. Your heart began to race as he connects his lips with yours. You freeze for a second, not really knowing what to do then you start to kiss back slowly. He smiles into the kiss and starts to kiss a little rougher. He guides his hand along your waist gently while you put your shaky hands on his chest in an attempt to steady them.

Such a sweet moment is interrupted by your father, "Wait, Morgan, I don't th--" he stops as soon as he sees what is happening before him. You pull away from Morgan fast hoping that Hades didn't see anything but that thought is dismissed as soon as he speaks. "What the!?" You get away from Hades and Morgan and manage to say, "I- I'm gonna go see who I can, um, t- torment today. See ya!" Morgan smiles at the embarrassment that your face portrays. You run to your chambers but you can hear their conversation. "Wait, what happened? What did I miss?" Hades asks. Morgan replies with a smile "You didn't miss anything. You got here just in time."

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