Male! Jessica Rabbit x Wife! Reader Part 2 : An Ache So Deep

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(A/n: Requests Closed! Warning: Angst! Sorry if I break your heart with this imagine. It is heartbreaking. BTW listen to the song it's nice... and sad.)

An ache
So deep
That I
Can hardly breathe
This pain
Can't be imagined
Will it ever heal?
Ooh... ooh...

(Y/n) and Jesse used their talent to express their love towards their child. A musical memory about that fateful day in the hospital. The birth process was complicated and filled with cries. But after hours of pain, (Y/n) finally gave birth to a little girl.

Your hand
So small
Held a strand of my hair
So strong
All I could do
Was keep believing
Was that enough?

As she fed her, (Y/n) and Jesse observed their daughter's delicate features. "Look at her Jesse, she's so tiny." "And so beautiful." he looked at his wife and child in adoration. "We made this." "We did." She smiled and kissed the top of her head, "I love her so much." "As do I love. Thank you for our little gift. Right now you need to rest. You must be exhausted." "But Jesse, I want to be with our girl a little longer." "I understand. But sooner or later you are going to want to sleep. Now is the time. Besides the nurses are most likely going to take her for check-up or something."

(Y/n) fell asleep, just like Jesse instructed her to do. She believed that when she woke she would see her perfect family, but that wasn't the case.

The silence woke (Y/n), which was strange considering the fact that she had just become a mother. She was expecting loud cries from the girl or cooing noises. Of course there was also the possibility that the baby was asleep or out for check up. But for some reason, the room felt cold, gloomy even. Wouldn't Jesse be there to hold her and tell her how the baby was? Wouldn't he be in the room with her, carrying their girl? He was in the room with her, except when she looked up, she didn't see him with a smile on his face, instead he was crying.

"Jesse?" he looks up at her with bloodshot eyes. "(Y/n), oh thank God you're awake! I thought I lost you." "Where's our baby?" "(Y/n)-" "Have the nurses taken her for check up? How long was I out for?" "You were out for many hours. The doctor and nurses thought you weren't going to wake up again." "Why wouldn't I? I know there were complications with the birth but I am fine." she smiled. "Now I want to see our bundle, where is she?" Jesse looked at her sadly. "(Y/n), she didn't make it."

Is anyone there?
I wanna scream
Is this a dream?
How could this happen,
Happen to me?
This isn't fair
This nightmare
This kind of torture
I just can't bear
I want you here
I want you here

"Is this some sort of sick joke Jesse?" "I wish it were a joke. Our little one was too weak. Her heart stopped beating shortly after the nurses took her from me." It was as if the world stopped when she heard those words. As if a part of her soul was ripped out. She wasn't a mother anymore. Her baby girl was gone.

Ooh... ooh...
I waited so long
For you to come
Then you were here
And now you're gone
I was not prepared
For you to leave me
Oh this is misery

They both thought back to their long wait. How much they longed to hold and play with their baby. To see what the child would grow up to be. (Y/n) fondly remembered the day that she told Jesse that she was expecting a child. How he spun her in joy and began to talk to her barely visible tummy. In the following days, he would always ask if she was okay or if she needed anything. Although (Y/n) would always reply that she was fine, his response would be, "I just want my treasures to be comfortable and well. I don't want you to later complain that I never ask if you're okay."

Are you still there?
I wanna scream
Is this a dream?
How could this happen,
Happen to me?
This isn't fair
This nightmare
This kind of torture
I just can't bear
I want you here

There was a small funeral for the child. Really (Y/n) wanted to be left alone to grieve, but Jesse insisted that it was right thing to do. After the funeral both (Y/n) and Jesse's parents suggested that they stayed to spend some comforting time with the grieving couple. But (Y/n) refused. "We just want to be alone, please." They both felt numb, neither of them knew how to heal from this indescribable pain. So they remembered. They walked around their home, remembering when they both started to work on their little one's nursery. The painted the walls, created picture frames and bookshelves. (Y/n) had even attempted to knit a blanket, however she didn't believe that the knitting was good enough no matter how many times her husband reassured her.

I want you here
God help me,
God help me,
God help me

A month later the nursery was all done. There were toys, books, stuffed animals, anything that a child could possibly need or want. Now as the couple stare at the room, they realise how empty it will be. "Oh Jesse," (Y/n) sobs, "I am no longer a mother. And you... you are no longer a father." Jesse's own tears spilled as he heard these words. He pulled her in for a tight hug. "I'm sorry love. I wasn't there to protect her." But (Y/n) seemed to not hear any of it. "I am supposed to be a mother, what am I now? I'd already made plans for Christmases and birthdays. I'd imagined our little girl excitedly opening presents. Watching us in our performances. Maybe even wanting to perform with us. I don't know who I am or who I am supposed to be."

I wanna scream
Is this a dream?
How could this happen,
Happen to me?
This isn't fair
This nightmare
This kind of torture
I just can't bear
I want you here
I want you here
Ooh... ooh...

"We will try again (Y/n). We will try to become parents again." Jesse told his wife after months of grieving. (Y/n) looked at him uncertain. "What if it happens again? What if we lose her or him again? I wouldn't bare it." "But Doll, what if it doesn't? You can't live your whole life wondering. Let's try again. I am not asking us to forget her. We will always have her in our hearts and in our thoughts. But we cannot stay in one place. We have to keep moving forward." (Y/n) though about his words, they were true. They had to keep going with their lives. It's for the best. Maybe a new child could fill the hole that the little girl left.

They wanted her back. Both would have given anything to go back to the hospital and hold her again. Or to kiss her cold little cheeks. But alas they could not.

An ache
So deep
That I
Can hardly breathe

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