Male! Pocahontas x Reader: You And No Other

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(A/n: Some parts are based on the 1995 film Braveheart. It's a great film you should watch it if you ever get the time.)



The woman was sitting on a mat inside a tent with her children behind her. One little girl of four years of age and another one of two. And according to Grandmother Willow's predictions, she was soon to have a baby boy. The little girls were currently braiding the woman's (y/h/c) hair clumsily fumbling, trying to get the strands to form the pattern they wanted. Giggling, the woman hugs both of them close and kisses their chubby cheeks as they shriek at her sudden actions. She was currently waiting for her husband, Pocahon, to return from his daily routine of making sure that everyone was doing their job and checking to see if anything needed to be fixed in his village. He became the chief if the tribe after the death of his father. The woman, however, didn't know that he was watching her play with their children. He watched with a smile on his face, happy with his life and with his family. Pocahon thought back to the time where they first met.

Chief Powhatan invited the village's tribe brothers to celebrate, Pocahon couldn't remember what the cause of the event was, for he was eleven years old at that time and she nine. He just remembers a young girl with beautiful (y/e/c) eyes, and a gorgeous smile. She was laughing at something that Makoma had told her. It was nighttime and the tribe was dancing to the music of the drums and flutes. Pocahon approached the group as if to speak with the nameless female. The girl's little sister asked him, "Sir, will you dance with me?" since she was bored and was tired of hearing the older girls bicker about everything. "Of course I will." he responded. He kept his eyes on her, and she on him, smiling every time their eyes would meet. He wanted to talk to her, to ask her to dance with him but he had lost his chance.

They met again when he was eighteen, this time it was when her tribe was called as an ally to fight against the white men. However, Pocahon was the one to stop this fight. And Johana saved Powhatan from getting shot by taking the blow. After Smith sailed back to England, (Y/n)'s village went home, but (Y/n) and her family decided to stay behind and help the Powhatan village since they could always use a few extra hands in the harvests. Pocahon finally decided to talk to the native girl. The conversation was awkward at first, since he didn't know what to say to her and she was just as shy. But with a little help of his friend Makoma, they started to know each other better and soon developed a deep love for one another. They would often escape together into the forest for hours just to talk about everything and nothing.

    After many visits to the woods, it was common for both of them to just wander there, if they ever felt like they needed to talk or to clear their minds. (Y/n)'s parents thought that Pocahon was a bad influence on her, although she would always claim otherwise. They would always try to stop her from leaving with him, but she would have her ways of escaping,

    There was a particular occasion that Pocahon remembers with a smile, the day he decided to marry (Y/n). They went on their daily escapes to a deeper part of the forest. They were sharing secrets about their present, stories about their past, and ideas for their future. (Y/n) was brave enough to ask him if he wanted a family after becoming chief. "Perhaps someday," he responded, "Running a tribe is a lot of work. I'm sure it will all change when my sons or daughters arrive." "Ah, so you're planning on having children then?" "Of course, I was hoping that you could help me with that." The woman smiled, "So you want me to marry you, then?" she asked. "Well, that's a bit sudden but alright." he laughs "Is that what you call a proposal?" The girl giggled looking down in fear that he would see the hope in her eyes. After he didn't say anything she looked up and saw him stare at her in full adoration. "I love you," he says, "I always have." She stares back into his dark, brown eyes "I want to marry you." This was the first time that they had confessed their feelings for one another and the first time they shared a kiss.

    The wedding was months before Powhatan died, he was still able to give (Y/n) his late wife's necklace. "She would have loved to be here, accompanying you and her son on this special day." "I would have loved to have her here. She would have helped ease my nerves." you laugh. Powhatan smiled. "There is nothing to be nervous about. My son loves you and I know you love him just as much." "I really do Chief. I really do." The ceremony was a traditional one. Flower crowns adorned the bride's head. White wild flowers to symbolise the purity in her heart. The vows were shared "I want to be yours, and you mine. I will be with you, like this Forever. I will love you my whole life. You and no other." "And I you. You and no other. Forever."

    "Papa!" his children's shrieks awoke him from his trance. They run up to him while his beloved stands up to greet him. "Papa! You're back!" "I'm back little ones. I hope you didn't give your mother too much trouble." "No Papa," they giggle as he picks them up and sets them on his shoulders. (Y/n) smiles at the sight thinking about how lucky you were to have a man that loved you with every fiber of his being. "Now go on lovelies. Your mother and I have a lot of things to talk about." The little girls run out of the tent, planning what they will do in the hours of free time.

(Y/n) stares at him confused. "What do we need to talk about? Is there something wrong love?" "There is nothing wrong. And we don't need to talk about anything serious. I just said that so that we could have some alone time." he answers while snuggling into her neck. "Mmm sneaky." "Just a little." After a few moments of peaceful silence, he decides to speak. "What did Grandmother Willow say?" "She said that we'll be expecting a little boy. It seems you will finally get a son to help you around the village." "I love you (Y/n)" "I love you more." "And I love you and our wonderful children, most."

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