Male! Esmeralda x Reader: Beautiful Gem

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(A/n:Requests are closed until further notice. I'm sorry for the long wait but I didn't know where to take this, I hope you enjoy my story. And OMG! 94.3k views!!! Thank you soooo much!!!!!! Until next time little pandas!)

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"(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n)! Wake up!" you faintly hear your sister's voice .Still with your eyes closed you reply, "Eliza! It's too early for this!" "(Y/n/n), it's seven in the morning," she deadpans. "You should have been awake half an hour ago, and heading out by now." You jump out of bed, your hair a mess, your right cheek red from where you had leaned on while sleeping, and your nightgown wrinkled. Eliza laughs at the sight. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner!?" "I was busy. Besides, it's quite comical seeing you in a rush." you were scrambling around your room, trying to find something decent to wear for today's duties.

"Next time wake me up at least 15 to 20 minutes earlier than this." you settled for a white blouse and crimson skirt, you owned very few light colored skirts for they would get dirtier due to your outdoor labor. You let your hair hang loose, tied a black scarf around your midsection and rushed out. "Wait! I'm coming too!" you catch your father just as he was finishing loading some of the product onto his cart. Your family lived in a farm-like home where you would grow some crops and had some animals such as cows, pigs, sheep and goats. Your job was to sell the milk and crops to the vendors in the streets of Paris, since some of them wouldn't always get a proper meal during the day, or they would resell your product. Your father, on the other hand, would sell the animals to any one that showed interest in buying them, whether it was for meat and milk or for pets. Your sisters Amelie and Jahna, were in charge of most of the crop tending and animal feeding. You would occasionally help them when you had the time, or when you wouldn't go with your father to deliver.

Sometimes if the customers didn't have any coins to purchase their feed, they would give you pendants or jewels, and depending on what they were worth, the customer would receive their products free of charge until enough was purchased with the value of the trinket. If any of them caught your eye, your father would allow you to keep it as your pay for working with him. Any other jewels that were left were either sold or given to your sisters and mother.

"Ah (Y/n), France's most beautiful rose, you've come to deliver have you not?" Madame Dorothea asks, she was a regular customer and your family delivered milk and other goods to her and other stands near her almost everyday. "Sure thing, have you acquired any new trinkets?" "Only one (Y/n), this necklace. Another merchant brought it to me a few days ago, he traded it in for a silver ring for his girlfriend. Possibly for an engagement." "Possibly. The necklace is beautiful Dot. It looks like if it were taken right out of a fairy tale." "So you'll take it as your pay?" You eagerly nod. The necklace was silver and the pendant was twisted to form that held a jewel in the center. You set it around your neck and secured it so that it wouldn't fall. "Thank you Madame Dorothea, I'll see you soon!" you wave, "Goodbye dear!" she turns her attention to another customer as she calls to you.

Since you had finished early with the delivery, you had a few hours to yourself. Usually you spent your time wandering around the city until you had to go home. Or entering the different shops to buy anything that caught your eye. Today the city seemed very busy and it was almost impossible to walk at a fast pace with all of the people coming, going and crossing in front of everyone. Only one event could gather so many people and that was the Festival of Fools. It was a parade-like event that seemed to worship the Romani people after ignoring and shunning them for a full year. This festival showed all of the vivid traditions and colors that the Romani people had to offer. There would be games, food and entertainment for all ages.

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