Male! Maleficent x Reader: Curiousity Killed The Cat

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(A/n: Hello Cupcakes! So requests are closed for the most part. I might not be able to update for June, July, and part of August because the only way that I can write is by my borrowed Chromebook from school. I will try to have at least 2 more chapters up before June. This next chapter will be added to my Maleficent x Reader book. Check it out it's called "A Curse or a Blessing?" The song is from Legend of Zelda I believe. Thank you Thank you and enjoy."

"Wait! Come back please!" I call out to a raven who seemed to be leading me somewhere. Now it had abandoned me in the middle of the woods, by myself. "That damn raven, I shouldn't have followed it." I cursed up at the sky where the bird once flew and took a look at my surroundings. There were trees everywhere, a lake nearby and and a few rocks. There seemed to be some weird vibe as I focused harder on what was all around me. I was lost. In the middle of nowhere and alone. Not only that, but I was also cold and had the feeling of being watched. I wrapped my cloak tighter around me to provide a small amount of warmth. "Relax (Y/n), I'm sure we can find a way to get out of here soon, just trace back your steps." I said to myself as I felt a wave of nervousness wash over me. I turned around and walked towards the directions I thought I had come from, following imaginary footsteps.

After a few moments of walking, I heard a familiar squack of a raven. "Shut up stupid bird! You're the one who got me into this mess!" I looked around, wondering if I will see anything that will help me return home, but I see nothing that looks familiar. How will I return home? I knew I shouldn't have wandered off. I had been in the Moors before with a friend, but not this deep. Maybe I should have listened to my mother and stayed home, but I was too curious I couldn't help it. Just as I was about to sit down and clear my mind, I see a nearby bush moving. I braced myself for the worst, thinking What if it was the evil fae? Or something equally as dangerous? But instead an injured wolf pup limps from behind the bush. It has one of it's legs badly cut and its black fur is soaked with blood. It limps towards me and nudged my leg as if it knew I would provide comfort. I bend down and pick up the wounded animal, carefully so that I didn't cause it more pain. The pup starts to whimper as I hold it close to me. "It's okay little one, I've got you." I puts my hand over the wound and starts to sing a healing song, one that I used whenever one of us was sick or in pain.

Day to night, dark to light,
Fall the sands of time.
Let the years like the gears
Of a clock unwind

In your mind walk through time
Back to better days.
Memories, like a dream,
Wash tears away.

Like a star in the sky,
Darkness can't reach you
Light the night, joy is light,
Till the new dawn.

Cast away your old face
Let go your spite,
With this mask I'll ask
To borrow your light

    A glowing light surrounds the pup, healing it. The wolf stops whimpering and licks my face as I bring it up to look at it. I giggle and hug it close to me. "Poor baby, you're okay now." I set it down and look around to see if the mother was near. Maybe it's lost? Just like me. Just as I was about to walk in the direction it came from and see if the mother was near, the pup started to snarl at a darker part of the forest. I look up and remove my hood to have a better look in all directions. "What is it? Did you see something?"

Maleficent's P.O.V

Humans were not allowed in my forest, I thought I had clearly stated that to the queen. The only thing that people bring is damage towards the beautiful moors. A human was what made me lose my wings and what poisoned my heart. It seems as if they were never going to leave me alone. I had found the human, thanks to Diava, apparently the Bird woman lead it here. The human was walking deeper into the woods, perhaps they were trying to find the princess and avoid the curse which I had brought upon her. A curse that I now regretted. Still, the human was not supposed to be here.

Diava squawked overhead to catch the human's attention. They looked up, but I was far away and couldn't make out what they were saying, by the motions they seemed angry. Diava flew down and perched on my staff. I pet bird as in a form of gratitude for bringing me to the human. I decided to step closer so that I can see what they were going to next. They had bent down to pick something up. A wolf pup, an injured one at that. I became angry at the human. Had they been the one to injure it? I am about to attack the human for hurting the creature until I hear it's voice, Her voice, for the human was a woman. The voice was soft, sweet as honey, beautiful, enchanting, angelic. She holds the small wolf pup in her hands. As she sings to it, the pup becomes engulfed in a bright light, then the light leaves. The pup licks the girl's face she giggles cutely at it, "Poor baby, you're okay now." she says setting it down. She begins to look around, and for a moment I am worried that she will see me lurking in the shadows. The wolf, however, is the one to give away my presence. It starts to snarl at area in which I'm in. I look at it for a second commanding it to stop, but the girl is already staring in my direction. "What is it? Did you see something?"

She had removed her hood so now I could see her features. She's beautiful. She had, (Y/h/c) hair, (Y/s/c) skin and beautiful (Y/e/c) eyes. She seemed curious as to why the pup had snarled at my direction. I didn't want to startle her so I backed away. Why would she want to see the beast that I am? She wouldn't, which is why she won't know I was here. I turn around to leave but my foot steps on a twig and breaks it. Great. Now she's heard me.

Reader's P.O.V.

    I heard a twig snap. Dear God, what is it? "Hello? Is someone there?" Of course there's someone there you twat! The pup wouldn't have snarled, nor would you have heard a snap if there was no one there. "I know you're there. Don't be afraid." the being laughs. A male. "I am not afraid." I look into the direction of the voice in confusion. "Then come out." "Then you'll be afraid." he says "No I won't." Why would he believe that? Is there something that he is trying to hide from me? "Please, come out. I would like to see you." "I don't think you would." "Oh, but I do. You don't have to hide, this is your home after all. Right?" "It is. And it seems, you are intruding." I suddenly feel afraid. He's right I am intruding. Will he hurt me for coming here? "I- I am. I'm sorry Sir, but curiosity brought me here, a-and I couldn't help myself. It seemed as if it were a quiet and peaceful place. I only wanted to explore it t- that's all." It's quiet for a few moments, I begin to wonder if he had left, but then I feel someone breathe near my neck and whisper, "Careful. Curiosity killed the cat my dear. You don't want to get hurt out here in these dangerous woods, now do you?" "A-ah, but satisfaction brought it back, and to answer your question, no I don't want to get hurt, but so far this place has proven to be almost harmless." I studder, his sudden speaking made my voice go a few pitches higher than it should have. I turn around to see the face of the anonymous man.

"Handsome." I say in awe. He has the most beautiful green eyes, his skin is a perfect tan and his hair is dark brown. It looks so soft, resist the urge to run my hands through it. There is a set of black horns coming out of his head. And his lips are a nice shade of pink they look smooth and inviting. He seems so unreal, yet he is there standing in front of me staring at me with mixed emotions. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" "I- I meant, sorry for intruding, again, I will leave if you want me to, just don't hurt me. I swear I mean no harm to you, nor to your precious moors." he laughs, "It's fine, just don't hurt my creatures or anything that belongs inside of these woods Miss..." "Oh, my name's (Y/n)." I say extending my arm for him to shake it. "I'm from a little, quiet town nearby." The man hold my smaller hand in his bigger one and kisses it. I look down to hide my blush. He smiles and replies, "I'm Maleficent. And as you know, I am from here. It's a pleasure to meet you my lady," I attempt to do a little bow before him without stumbling. "The pleasure is all mine my lord."

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