Chapter 2: The Waking

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Chapter 2: The Waking

Disclaimer: Next chapter is up! I am currently feeling down at the moment.

Reminder * : I have decided to made this into a Qingyu fanfiction so I change some character's name to make it more appropriate for the story setting.

Jana = Yuna ( Yu's first love )

Xi = Harley ( Yuna's Husband )

 - Start of the chapter -

Beep. . . Beep . . . Beep . . .

Wha. . What . .what is that sound?

Haziness is the first thing that I noticed. I tried focusing in that sound but it seems like I am in an ocean where I keep on being pushed up and down. I can't seem to grasp myself and my surrounding. So I tried opening my eyes but all I can see is darkness. Why is it so dark? Why are my eyes too heavy? Next I tried to move my hands but still nothing. Wha..what is happening to me?


That weird sound suddenly beeps faster compared to before. I can't focus. I suddenly felt a soft caress in my palm. Then I heard a soft voice whispering. I don't understand it. What is it saying? Who is it? I tried focusing my mind. "Sle.." What? "Yu . . . Please. . ." What? "Yu, wake up." What? I am awake! "Yu, please open your eyes." But it is open and its just all dark! "Yu, honey please wake up." Mom? Is that you? "Open your eyes honey." But I am! Aren't I?

I struggled to grasp what is happening to me. I tried remembering what happened. I woke up after drinking that whole bottle. Why was I drinking? Right, its *Yuna and Xi's wedding. Next. . I was talking with an officer. Then. . Then I was driving. Yes, I was going home. Then. . I came up blank. I can still hear my mom calling out to me. I have to remember it. I was driving. I was nearing my apartment. I was on the downslope. Then. .


Pictures keep on flashing on my mind. It's too fast for me to understand. I can't focus. Everything was just so bright. I tried shielding my eyes but my hands are not following what my mind is telling it. I immediately closed it back. It feels like needles are poking my eyes.

"Yu! Honey! Thank God you're finally awake." I can feel my mom softly crying. She grasp my cheeks and keeps on kissing it. It made me more disoriented.

"Mian, let him go and let us call the doctor." my dad's voice penetrated my unfocused mind.

"Okay. Honey, don't fall asleep again. The doctor is coming." she keeps on caressing my cheeks and I can feel my dad also crowding near me. I silently nodded to my mom. I breathe and I realized that I'm wearing an oxygen mask. Then I must have a problem in breathing. I regulated my breath and tried thinking what happened to me. A face suddenly flashed in my memory. I gasp. I was on an accident!

I opened my eyes and immediately grasp my mother's hand stopping it from further caressing my face.

"Mo. . m" I crooked. I cleared my throat trying to dislodge the discomfort that I felt when speaking. I need to ask her. "Mom, what happened to that guy?"

She gently held my hand but I can see in her eyes that she doesn't know what I am talking about.

"What guy honey?

"The guy in the accident, Mom." I reminded her. The guy's surprised face flashed again in my mind. My mother's face immediately change. Her smiling face immediately vanished. She turned pale and worried. She turned her head to my father as if asking for an advice on what to do.

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