Chapter 3: The Aftermath

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Disclaimer: Hello everyone! This actually was supposed to be posted last 25th of February but Semi-final requirements caught up on me. So I am so sorry for the delayed posting. Enjoy reading ^.^

- Start of chapter -

I thought I will be able to handle whatever will I discover in that room but after I saw Qing it was all futile. Being the cause of someone else's pain is really numbing. Will he really be blind? I know being robbed with something important is painful and I can't imagine what he will do the moment he realize this.

I tried controlling the tears that is gliding in my cheeks, muffling the sobs with my hands. My hands are itching to touch him. I want to affirm that this guy really survives, that he is still breathing. I slowly stretch my hands to his directions. I feel a lot of discomfort due to my injuries and the height difference. My actions might be restricted but nothing can stop me.

First his casted hands. It is so much bigger than mine. Tentatively touching it in fear of disturbing him even if I know he won't wake up anytime soon. Then his wrapped arms, all I can touch are cloth. I want to touch his skin; I want to know his warmth. I want to know his still alive. Deep inside I know how rude it is what I am doing. Touching a stranger is also a first time for me. I don't like touching something foreign to me much more a stranger but this guy is an exemption. The moment the accident happen, I know we are already connected. I don't consider him foreign.

With much difficulty I finally touched some skin; his so warm, I sigh. Then I can feel his breath as I slowly caress his jaw then his cheeks. I don't even understand it myself but the knot that was squeezing my heart a few moments ago ease a bit. Touching his warm skin really eased my screaming conscience.

"Qing, I'm sorry" I whispered to him hoping that it will reach him in whatever world he is in. I always believe that even those who are asleep even those that departed can actually hear the words being addressed to them.

Qing, you might not be able to hear the words but please hear the words of my heart. I promise you that I will help you get better. I will make your life better.

I know I don't much have time left before the caretaker get back so I firmly caressed his cheeks.

"I'll be back." was the last words I uttered before wheeling myself on the door. I glanced at his direction one last time praying that by some miracle he will get better.

I knocked at the door, a few seconds later it opened and I together with Quin strolled out of the room leaving as if no one was there in the first place.

"So, what now?" My face must be giving off how gloomy and sad I truly felt inside. I glanced at my inquiring friend and signed. "Let's go back again tomorrow." He gasps his indignation on my statement. "What? We will do this again? Do you really want me to lose this job?" He angrily pushed my wheel chair in my room to avoid arousing attention.

I stopped our progress and grasp his hands. "I know I am asking too much but how can I stop now? After what I saw I know I am already tied to him." He snatched his hands angrily and waived it erratically on my face. "I know why you're doing it and I can understand that but tied really? How long? How much? Yu, it was an accident." his voice is starting to raise indicating how upset he was on my decision.

I sigh with frustration. It's useless to say my plans now I know he won't listen to me. So I mustered my sincerest smile and gently punched his arms. "Just leave it for now ok? Thank you for helping me by the way." He stared at me probably wondering what is going in my head to suddenly change. "Whatever man, I am your friend and I am always willing to help but I am telling you this once. I know you, you're a person who takes responsibility seriously and also very strong willed bordering hard-headed so please consider what you do. Think of yourself too not just others. Ok?"

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