Chapter 4: Changes

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Disclaimer: I'm back!!!!!! Finally finished this semester. Sorry for being a week late in my update, I just realized that I miscalculated the dates. I was not gone for 2 weeks but it's actually 3 weeks. My apologies. Anyway since my vacation officially started as of this week so I hope I could update this story as much frequently as I want so again please cross your fingers with me. Also I don't have editors so some parts might have some lapses and mistakes so please bear with me here. I really tried uploading this sooner but I am having trouble with my internet connection. So on with our story.

- Start of chapter -

There in the patient bed lays a guy but it was definitely not Qing. The last time I saw Qing he was still in a coma, sleeping the days away and the patient sitting in that bed is definitely not in a coma nor blind. The patient was a man around his fifties basing on his skin complexion and grey hairs. The patient was surrounded with people from various ages from children to adult, probably its family. They seem to be having a celebration or sorts. There were foods and flowers with their faces full of smiles.

"Who are you?" I heard myself asking them. Then I wanted to hit myself after I realized what might have happened. Shit! Did I enter the wrong room?

"Sorry for the disruption. I thought this is room 310." I immediately explained my presence. I bowed apologetically getting ready to get the hell away from that embarrassing moment. But before I can again open the door a voice stop my progress.

"Young man, this is room 310. You're not mistaken. Do we know you? Does dad know you?" came a female voice. When I heard that my steps totally halted.

"What? This is 310?" I immediately opened the door to look at the door number just making sure I was not being played at. I gasped after I saw it. It really is 310 but why are they here? Where is Qing? The disappointment I felt was enormous. I know this is a possibility but I was hoping I can still find him here.

"I'm sorry I thought my friend who was confined here is still here." I bowed again and hightailed outside.

Reaching the nurses' station I immediately asked the nurse nearest to me about Qing's information. It was a young lady with a name plate "Yang". At first she immediately refused my request, she didn't want to disclose information of their client since it was against the hospital protocol and that patient is highly valued.

"Please, I just want to know what happened to him." I pleaded her unceasingly. Nurse Yang sighed with frustration and looked in my frantic eyes. "The patient in the room 310 was discharge 1 week prior. That is the only information I can share with you sir, I'm sorry." I smiled to the nurse gratefully. I nodded my thanks and started walking outside.

I realized that in that moment I only had one thing in my mind. I need to find him. I have to find Qing.


Two weeks after knowing that Qing was discharge at the hospital which left me with much disappointment than I expected and here I am still trying to ease back on my own life. It's a slow process but the good thing is its slowly settling in. My leg therapy ended last week and I was advised to continue it on my own, that was actually a great news for me since I really hate to always rely on other people most of all I really hated it when other people just carelessly touch me. The case about the incident is also starting to look brighter. My license might be revoke but I don't think I will be able to drive again after what happened. It's totally fine with me to ride a taxi or bus for the rest of my life.

Currently I was in the school I was teaching. I was again back to my job. I really don't think of these as just a job, this is my calling actually. I love teaching and taking care of kids. They fascinate me and I never am bored when I am with them. But lately, this past few days after getting back I don't know but I seem to be distracted than usual. I can't feel the same excitement and the joy I was experiencing before. I know it's not the kids but more like it's me. I can't help but always wonder how that person is doing now. If his much better or what he is doing.

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