Chapter 5: Meeting You

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Disclaimer: Summer vacation has finally started and there is good news and bad news. Let's start with the bad news eh? You want the good news first? Well too bad I want to tell the bad news first. The bad news is that I got myself a summer job. So you might have an idea that instead of having much free time I am going to be busy with my said job. This is where the good news comes in. The update will only be once a week and it would usually be either Saturday or Sunday since those days are my designated days off. Don't you guys worry I will never abandon this fanfiction story, rest assured of that. So finally the story has reached another milestone. Hope you enjoy! On with our story.

- Start of the chapter -

Gazing at the large villa in front of me was definitely intimidating. A person can even stretch calling it a mini mansion. The iron gates with steels forming two dragons from each side as its guardians with solid rock walls protecting the property from intruders completed its look. Gulping down a mouthful of air to give me a boost of courage, I slowly pressed the button of the door chime gaining the attention of the occupants inside. Waiting a few minutes later, a familiar face appears in the screen.

"Yes? Eh? Aren't you the guy from the hospital? Why are you here?" his face showing his utmost surprise.

"It's Xuan DaYu. I'm the new caregiver." I flashed him a confident smile which is totally opposite from my nervous heart. I hope the plan that we device will work. It's a long shot but I still tried it and so far it's working.

"Right. Right. I never knew you were a caregiver though. Just wait right there I'll be outside." then he disappeared from the screen. That person was Mr. Quan Du, his was Qing's caretaker that I met from the hospital. It was only few months but Mr. Quan Du looked like he aged much. Not only his looks but also his eyes look tired.

Guilt is an emotion I learned to supress these past months. I have lied and deceive many just to be where I am today. Growing up I had always been an obedient child who always follow rules but because of someone I had violated the morals I had uphold for so long. If this plan doesn't work it is not only me who will pay for the consequence but also my family and Quin. They had tried to change my mind but instead it was me who convinced them. With much persuasion, begging and coaxing, I had convinced them to help me create Xuan DaYu.

Xuan DaYu, is a close friend and fellow nurse of Quin who choose to practice as a caregiver instead of a nurse and also a distant relative of ours. Dad had asked many favors from his contacts just to give this person a proper identity and papers and with Quin's influenced has given this person papers for his education. What other people needed to learn for years I had only learned for a month. That's how desperate I am in seeing Qing and through assuming this identity is my best course of action to realise this plan. All of this just to be able to help Qing gain the life I had taken from him. This is all for him.

Sighing just remembering how grave this plan is, I wondered my gazed on the outer part of the villa. Although it looked majestic I can't help but feel its coldness. I can't help but sighed again, I exchange the warmness of the kids for this. I hope this entire thing is worth it.

The steel gates suddenly opened breaking my revere. Mr. Quan Du smiled warmly after seeing me calming my heart from the fear of being found out.

"Dayu, it's good that you are well." was his first greeting the moment we are near each other. We bowed as a greeting. "I have already confirmed from the agency your employment here so come on; I can inform you of your duties inside." Helping me with some of my luggage we entered the majestic but cold villa.

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