Chapter 7: Fresh Start

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Sooooo, its almost .. well -nt months. I'm really sorry for my MIA act. It's just I am now an intern and only have a few vacant time. But don't worry totally not abandoning this story just random updates. To those who message me, thank you for your words and even though I don't reply rest assured I'm reading it which gives me inspiration to finish this. For now its a good thing I was able to post this. Before I forget "HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL".
So on with the story.

-start of the story-

Reaching a common ground I was totally confident to start our day. I guided Qing in the bathroom to do his business. I tried assisting him but what I got was a threat of a bucket of freezing water.

I guess I still need to give him time adjust, hehehe Shy Qing is funny

Since he is still busy in the bathroom, I busied myself with other duties like arranging his bed and getting his clothes ready. Opening his closet, I was left with a hanging mouth. If I would describe it in one word then all I can say is Vast! This guys wardrobe can rival an artist cabinet. Or maybe he is? I do barely know Qing personally. His wardrobe cabinet contains different types of clothes from simple to formal. But one thing is common though. All of it is monochrome.

Huh! Even his taste is predictable.

Grabbing a comfortable black shirt and pants, I laid it out on the bed and waited for my employer to finish his bath.

Few minutes later I heard the bathroom door opened. When a body emerged from the room I really did thought the hinges in my mouth would gave out. What I saw was massive plains of muscle. Like lands of lands of muscle.

Have been bed riden for a month and been static ever since and he still have define muscles while here I am continuesly trying to form as many muscles as I can and still Nada? Life, how unfair can you get?

Seem oblivious of my gaping presence, Qing started to advance on the bed where I was seated. I was given a close encounter with his abs and i can't help but yelp. This startles Qing. My cheeks heated up with embarrassment even if I know he can't see it.

“What are you yelping for? And what are you doing in my bed?” his tone was indignant.

I cleared my throat and calmed my suddenly fluttering stomach. My stunned mind finally work and I crease my brows hearing the tone he used in me.

“You‘re tone Qing. I thought we had found an agreement? And I was just making your messy bed and getting your clothes ready. I think both of that is part of my duties and responsibilities, don't you think so?” I calmly reminded him.

He crease his brows but didn't utter anything. He felt the bed for his clothes and when he located it he instantly tug the towel covering his lower part. Mortified with what he had done I sqeeck again and immediately close my eyes.

"Prude." He muttered but I clearly heard him.

"I'm not!"

"Oh?! Base on that sqeeck of yours, Im pretty sure your eyes is close right now." His tone teasing with a hint of mockery.

I tried picking and I got a handful of mound of skin. I immediately close it and turned my back to him.

"I'm not prude but I do respect and value privacy." I defended myself.

"Oh really?"


"No need to peeved your feathers, Dayu. I was just asking." He stated while snickering. I ignored him and continued closing my eyes.

"Why don't you help me? Isn't that part of your job?"

"The heck?!"I cursed without meaning too. "Stop messing with me Qing!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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