Stay Out Of My Way

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Tris's pov: We're lucky to be in the city, they say the war was terrible, that the rest of the world was destroyed. Our founder built the wall to keep us safe and they divided us into five groups, factions, to keep the peace. The smart ones, the ones who value knowledge and logic are in erudite. They know everything. Amity farm the land, they're all about kindness and harmony, always happy. Candor value honesty and order, they tell the truth even when you wish they wouldn't. And then there's the dauntless, they're our protectors, our soldiers, our police. I always thought they were amazing, brave, fearless and free. Some people think dauntless are crazy, which they kind of are. My faction is abnegation, the others all call us stiffs. We lead a simple life, selfless, dedicated to helping others, we even feed the factionless, the ones who don't fit in anywhere. Because we're public servants were trusted to run the government. My father works alongside our leader, Marcus. It all works, everyone knows where they belong, except for me.
"Rise and shine! Come on, get up, get up! There ain't no time for sleepin! Come on, we gots to get up and go!" I groan as my best friend, Talaluna comes in yelling, climbing though my window. She's pretty cool if you don't make her mad, which isn't very hard since she's got a really bad temper. I feel she could be in any of the fractions, she's smart, kind when she trusts you, honest, brave and selfless. The only reason she's in abnegation is because Marcus was the only one who would take her out of all the factions when she was found. She's different from everyone else. she was raised by a wolf pack that's been roaming the woods around the city. She was found injured by some dauntless patrolling the area when they heard her whimpering like a wolf. When she was brought to us nine years ago she couldn't speak English, only spoke in some kind of wolf language, didn't walk up right but like a wolf on all fours crouched down and could bend in a series of different uncomfortable looking ways and didn't trust anyone. Now she only trusts us priors, my family, she considers us just that, family. She misses her pack a lot I can tell. She speaks perfect English but can still speak her wolf language, I know this because when she thinks she's alone sometimes I hear her mumbling in it. She walks up right now but still crawls on all four sometimes. But that's only how she acts. Physically? She has sharp fangs, her nails are filed sharp to a point and could do some real damage, and wolf ears and a tail that are the same color as her wild naturally Moon silver hair with black streaks in it that goes down to her waist, her eyes are a bright honey gold. Everyone else is afraid of her, and those who like to be mean will tease her calling her wolf girl or wolfie only to get scared when she glare at them. She has piercings all the way up to the tips of her ears on the outer sides and snake bits. She also has a few tattoos that she got done by a friend of hers that's in dauntless who did them. She moves around but is an abnegation due to being taken by Marcus.
"Let's go, get up!" She said smacking me in the head with a pillow.
"Do I need to beat you awake!?" She yelled and continued to beat me with the pillow.
"Ok ok I'm up I'm up. You can stop abusing me now" I yelled back at her.
"Girlie do you want me to show you what abusement is cause I can." She retaliated.
"no no I'm good. You can go harass Caleb now." I heard her chuckle as she left to go do exactly that. I could hear Caleb's protest as she did something similar to what she did to me, to him. Once I had gotten out of bed and dressed I sat down and my mother started to cut my hair. She says there's an art to losing yourself. But I haven't figured it out yet, I'm supposed to never think of myself, to always help others to never look too long in the mirror. She pulls back the slider that keeps the mirror hidden so that I could see what I look like after she put my hair in a bun.
"Are you nervous?" She asks.
"No" I answer shaking my head. "We're you, for your test?" She shakes her head and says,
"no, I was terrified." Me and Tala laugh lightly as she continues.
"But I didn't have any reason to be and neither should you two" she picks up the scissors again as Tala sits in the seat I was just sitting in.
"Alright, the ush(shortening for usual) mama but this time cut off the dead ends cause we all know ain't no body wants dead ends. Oh and Watch the ears, done want them snipped, that'd be a bloody mess." Tala says making mom and I laugh. She always did talk strange, maybe that's how she spoke with the wolves, maybe it's just the way she talks, no one really know and no one really questions it, it's just how she is but that's what makes her even more special. Mom cuts off the dead ends and trims Tala's fringe bangs just the way she likes it, Tala has her hair parted to the right so her fringe gets in her right eye sometimes but she just flicks it out of the way. Tala and I look at ourselves in the mirror for as long as we can to get in the details of what we look like before mom closes it and says,
"that's all you get, rules are rules." And smiles at us. Although Tala is a master mind at doing her makeup without a mirror. Lord knows how she can or where she even gets her makeup from. Today we take the test. I'm scared it'll tell me I'm not abnegation, that I have to leave my family. But I'm even more scared that it'll tell me to stay. Tala would fit in anywhere. And for my brother Caleb it's easy, he's a natural. We walk up to him as he helps an old woman with her bags.
"Beatrice, Tala you wanna get the other bags?" He asks when he sees us.
"Sure" Tala says without hesitation and runs to get the rest.
"What if she'd been blind or an amputee? Would you have helped her then." Caleb asks in a scolding way as we walk through the streets.
"I was thinking about helping her" is all I can reply with.
"It's not that hard."
"For you maybe"
"Just relax Beatrice take a deep breath and trust the test. Look at Tala, she's totally fine." Caleb points out.
"Well that's because shes not afraid of anything, she's like a robot."
"Hey!" Tala says as her ears twitch slightly where they're folded against the top of her head, where she keeps them hidden so she can at least try to fit in. Right, the test will tell me who I am, where I belong.
"Hey. So, all the food that were not getting you guys are giving away to the factionless? Right? Yeah?" Some jerk from candor starts talking to some of the abnegation in front of us.
"Yeah." One answers.
"Your a liar. Why are you lying to me? Everybody knows you keep it for yourselves. So why don't you just admit it? Huh? I'm talking to you. Are all you stiffs deaf or something? Hey!" The candor starts to push the abnegation in front of us. I went to tell him off but Caleb grabbed me and held me back.
"Beatrice don't. Tala!" Caleb told me and tried to grab Tala as well but narrowly missed her. The dauntless start to arrive as Tala goes to deal with the jerk. This is not going to end well.
Talaluna's POV:
"Hey jackass." I yelled walking up to the creep picking on some of the abnegation who stood a ways in front of us even gaining the attention of the dauntless who had just arrived. It was completely quiet now.
"Hey there beautiful. That's quite a mouth you have there, although it could be use for something else." He said looking me up and down.
"Oh sorry. I don't get with guys who's dicks are the same size as their microscopic brains." I retaliated, getting a lot of 'OHS' and 'BURNS' from everyone, mainly the dauntless as I smirked. His smirk was wiped off his face right away.
"Anyways, why don't you go pick on someone who's just as douche as you, if there's someone who's just as douche."
"Who do you think your talking to?!" He started to get mad.
"A cockmonkey(idiot)" I heard everyone snicker. He pulled his hand back to slap me but it was held back by another. We both looked over to see a guy maybe a year older and bigger in muscle and height then the candor boy. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes with an eyebrow piercing on his right brow, pierced ears and neck tattoos. He was pretty damn hot if you ask me.
"I think you've had enough humiliation for one day don't you think?" The guy asked In a 'I will kick your ass if you don't leave now' kind of way.
"Fine, I see how it is." The candor ripped his arm from the mans grasp and started to leave.
"You sure? I'm surprised you can see at all with all that faulty ego you've got goin on." I called after him gaining a few more laughs. His fists clenched but he kept walkin.
"hm, serves you right." I mumbled to myself. Everyone was still staring at me so I yelled "what are y'all starin at, this ain't no damn reality show." Then they went back to doing what ever it is they were doing. I turned to go back to tris and Caleb but the guy was standing there.
"What faction are you? Your brave like dauntless but gave smart comments like erudite but your dressed like abnegation." He finally asked after staring at me for a few minutes of trying to figure me out. Ha, like that's gonna happen.
"Abnegation, now if you'll excuse me." I Tried to go around him but he stepped into my way when I tried to go around him.
"Aren't you going to say something?" He asked referring to what happened a few minutes ago. Expecting a thank you.
"Yeah. Stay out of my way. If he was going to hit me you should have let him take the swing so I could have kicked his ass, which I very much would have liked to do." I took the opportunity to narrowly get around him as he was in a bit of shock from probably not expecting that to come out of my mouth.
"He's staring." Tris said as I got back to her and Caleb.
"Good" I said smugly.

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