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When I woke up I didn't even have the heart to wake Tris and Caleb up like I usually do. We didn't say a word to each other as we walk to the ceremony. I ignore the conversation going on between Andrew and some erudite chick named jeneane until she asked what our names were. When Caleb introduces himself and tris, the lady looks to me.
"Talaluna and I don't have a last name."
"Ah the famous wolf girl." She said making my temper rise as I clenched my fists. Tris held onto my hand trying to calm me down. Which didn't work to well. After that I tuned the rest of the conversation out, now wanting to listen to jeanine and her crap.
When we sit down I watch the bowls still unsure of what I'm going to pick. Eventually I made my choice and am now dead set on it, I'm going to be a dauntless, where I can be wild and free just like I was with the wolves. I ignored the speech and everyone else's choosing until it was Caleb's turn. I hugged him before he went up telling him that he'd be my brother no matter what he chose. And he chose erudite. Then tris went up and I did the same with her as I did to Caleb. She seemed unsure but in the end I heard a sizzle and was announced dauntless. Looks like I'm not the only one here going to dauntless. I had to go last due to not having a last name but when they did call me I heard many whispers throughout the crowd. I sliced my hand and let my blood drip more than once into the dauntless bowl as they cheered loudly. When I got over to the dauntless I was congratulated and handed a bandaid but I refused and just left my hand to bleed. When we started to leave I didn't look back once.i left my bag in a part of the woods that would be easy to reach whichever faction I chose so I can just sneak out later and get it. When we got outside all the dauntless started to holler and laugh as they started to run and climb up the rail road tracks. I started to jog which was a run to everyone else and climbed up fastest, getting there first.
"Hey your pretty fast, stiff. What's your name?" A dauntless born asked once they all got up. Tris finally joined us last.
"Talaluna." I answered.
"Oh your the girl who grew up with Wolves." Another said.
"Hey what's that like?" Another asked.
"Well it's a lot different than civilization I can tell you that. But it really depends on how you would view it. To you it may be weird but to me it normal and forest is my home." I answer truthfully.
"Wow and your sure you shouldn't be in erudite?" One asked.
"Yeah" I gave a breathy laugh. The train started to come and the dauntless born started to chase it and jump on while it was moving. I smiled, showing off my sharp k-9 teeth as I did the same but instead of getting into the train I climbed on top of it. I noticed that Tris still haven't gotten on the train yet and the platform was about to end.
"Come on Tris! You can do it!" I yelled to her for encouragement which seemed to help cause she picked up her pace and jumped onto the train just in time. I felt so free and alive again that I felt the urge to howl, so... I did, laughing at the end. I looked over when I noticed some of them jumping off the train onto a roof so I went to the other side to get a running head start and jumped landing on the roof on my feet taking a deep breath of freedom. I saw Tris and another girl she must have meet on the train jump, making it but falling and rolling a few times. I walked over and helped them up.
"Thanks" they both said.
"Hey, I'm Talaluna. But Tris calls me Tala." I introduce myself to the girl.
"I'm Christina. And aren't you the girl who grew up with Wolves? That's pretty cool." She replied. I laughed lightly.
"Yeah, not many people think so. They usually think of me as unnatural and scary. But I think it's just the unknown that they're scared of, cause they don't know what it is or what it's capable of doing and I'm categorized as an unknown."
"Wow that's really smart, are you sure you shouldn't be in erudite?"
"That's the second time I've gotten that today." I laughed and they joined it.
"Alright listen up." We looked up and I saw the same guy who interfered between me and the candor yesterday standing on a ledge. We followed everyone else and stood around him. "I'm Eric." Nice name, I like it. Hot name for a hot guy. Yes I realize what I just thought and I don't care what you think, yes I'm crazy. "I'm one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless this if the way in." He gestures over the ledge. "And if you don't have the guts to jump then you don't belong in dauntless."
"Is there water at the bottom or something" An erudite transfer asked.
"No, they're planning on killing all of us." I said sarcastically. Eric looked at me amused before turning back to the erudite transfer and said. "I guess you'll find out. Or not."
"We just jumped and they want us to jump again?" I snickered at Christina.
"Someone's gotta go first, who's it gonna be." Eric said.
"Well, get out of my way and I will." Everyone looked at me. I walked forward with confidence, pulling off the jacket that Tris' mom lent me.
"Yeah wolfie take it off." The candor jackass from yesterday said.
"You know, I would cut off your dick... If you had one." A lot of 'oh's were heard from my comment. I jumped onto the ledge with ease and turned around to face the others. "See ya in hell bitches." And with that I jumped backwards off the ledge, doing a back flip and howling with laughter before I hit a net, bounced upwards, did a few flips to show off and landed back on the net, laughing some more. Someone grabbed the edge of the net and pulled it downward causing me to slide off the net and swiftly onto my feet. I looked and saw the good looking guy who pulled the net down.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Talaluna" I answered.
"You can pick a new one if you wan-my name is Talaluna and Talaluna is my name, it is what it is. If you don't like it then too bad." He started but was cut off by me. I'm not changing my name. It may not be my birth name and even if I knew my birth name I still wouldn't change it for anything, my wolf mom gave me that name and that's all I have of her now. I don't know where the pack is but I do hope to find them some day.
"Ok" he held his hands up as if in surrender. "First jumper, Talaluna!" He yelled to everyone else before saying to me "welcome to dauntless." The net shook and I turned to see Tris, she jumped after me. The guy helped her down as I stepped away. "What's your name?"
"Bea-" she cut herself off when she saw him, oh she's into him.
"Is it a hard one? You can pick a new one if you want but it's better be good, you don't get to pick again."
"Uh ok my names Tris" she said after she looked at me.
"Second jumper, Tris! Welcome to dauntless" he said staring at her. I grinned as she walked over to me. People then started to jump faster after us two.

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