Double Breakdown

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Talaluna's POV:

"Whatever." Our conversation on the matter just finished when we walked into the sleeping areas. Everyone started to cheer for us.
"You guys do have a death wish." Chris said.
"I can't believe you said that to Eric." Will said to us.
"Your the only ones who ever stood up to him." Al said.
"Your ear and neck. Let's get you cleaned up." We started walking to the bathroom when another voice spoke to us, "Hey Tris, Talaluna. That was cool" Molly said.
"Thanks." We both said in Union.
"Impressive stiff, congrats. But what you did Tala, that's normal for you, but still." Peter said.
"Shut up" Will and I said together.
"What? Hey your famous now. I mean not because of the - the thing with Eric. Your in the news. Yeah, listen. The resent transfers of Beatrice and Caleb Prior, children of Andrew Prior, call int-" I didn't listen to the rest.
"Beat his ass for me if you have to." I whispered to Tris and left to go take a walk.

Walking through the halls I heard footsteps of people around the corner. I start to turn the corner but throw myself back around the corner as Jeanine walks down the hall I almost turned down. She walks past me as I keep myself as flat against the wall as I can, undetected.
"Now what are you doing hiding around the halls. We're not up to something now are we?" I growl at the voice of Eric behind me and continue my walk.
"What are you stalking me now?" I snap at him.
"Um, you do realize what hall your walking down right?"
"What, no."
"The leaders quarters" he said walking past me and opened a door that must have been to his room.
"Good" I said. Perfect time to give him a piece of my mind.
"Wha-mph." I shove him into the room, closing the door behind me.
"I can't believe you! You really think you can just come up and talk to me?! After that whole knife throwing thing with Will?! Oh and don't get me started on the stunt you pulled with Chris! I just-" I started yelling and cursing at him in wolf/English so a lot of the stuff he didn't even understand.
"And after I started trusting you too. I really can't believe you." I calmed myself down enough to talk to him in English.
"Don't! Just don't! Don't even talk to me!" I yelled as he opened his mouth to say something. With that said I left, slamming the door.
"Talaluna?" I heard four ask as stopped where I was half way down the hall. "What are you doing down here?"
"Just giving Eric a piece of my mind." He chuckled.
"Oh, how did that go."
"I didn't let him get a word in and eventually got so angry I was yelling and cursing at him in wolf/English."
"Ha, I wish I was there to see the look on his face."
"Can I ask you a favor Four?"
"Sure, Talaluna, what is it?"
"First, my friends call me Tala. Second, can you save me from anything that involves being around Eric, cause I really don't want to be around him."
"Sure thing."
"Thanks. I'm gonna continue my walk now, so, bye."
"Bye" I walked away until eventually I got back to where the initiates sleep. Crashing as soon as my head hits the pillow, but I still feel cobalt crawl onto the bed and fall asleep across my back.
"First fight. Peter versus Tris." Eric calls. My fists clench. Peters the second best fighter here, the first being me. I grab Tris' wrist as she makes her way up there.
"Hey, it's ok." I hesitantly let go of her wrist.
"It's Eric, he's just trying to get back at you." Chris concluded.
"I'll fuckin kill him." I growl as Tris makes her way to the ring. I saw Four grab her arm and tell her something before letting her go. Getting into the ring, Peter starts to taunt her. He takes a swing at her, she dodges. He swings again and as he's in mid swing Tris punches him in the throat. He swings again but she's ready for him, dodging the punch and pushes him so now she's behind him. He turns around as she takes a swing at him but he grabs her arm and elbows her in the gut before back handing her. She stumbles giving Peter time to punch Tris in the face. He goes to punch her again but she dodges and grabs his arm, twisting it backwards, a move I helped her perfect the other day, and knees him in the gut. She goes to knee him again but Peter blocks it and punches her in the gut twice before grabbing her leg and throws her across the ring. He kicks her back down when she tries to get up. She gets up and he punches her in the face, and she's on the ground again. I gasp silently and grab Chris' arm as he kicks her in the back of the head, knocking her out.
"My turn." My left eye twitches slightly one as I step into the ring. Peter punches at me a couple times but I dodge them all and on his last swing I punch him in the face. Going to punch him again he barely catches my hand and twists it behind my back. I lean back into him, stepping forward and elbow him in the face with the other arm. Bringing the my arm around his arm that's holding my arm behind my back, I snap it up, breaking his arm with a loud crack. I grin crazily and satisfied when he screams out in pain. And then I lost it, I saw nothing but red and it's like I couldn't control myself anymore. But I heard it all. That is, until something pricked my neck and I blacked out.

Eric's POV:
I knew this would happen and I did it anyways. Man I'm really gonna be on Tala's most hated list now. She started to fight Peter but when she broke his arm it's like something in her just broke. Almost like she wasn't there anymore. She stared to beat Peter mercilessly, still not stoping after Peter was knocked out and I told her to stop.
"We need to hold her down." Her friend Christina yelled.
"What?" I yelled.
"This is exactly what she warned me, Al and Will about. We need to hold her down and sedate her." She yelled in panic.
"Somebody go tell Four!" I yelled to anybody and tackled Tala to the ground. By the time Four got here and sedated her I had scratches all over but the only major one was the five going across my chest.
"We're done for today." Four called and carried Tala to the infirmary with me trailing behind and some of peters friends carrying him there. Four set her down on the bed next to her friend and I sat next to her, letting the doctors and nurses do what they're supposed to. Peter was put across the infirmary all bloodied up from the beating Tala gave him. I left as soon as I was done getting patched up. I couldn't face Tala, she hates me enough as is.

Tala's POV:
"Ugh, what happened." I asked coming to.
"It happened. What you warned us about. Your eyes were glowing, literally. It was scary." I heard Chris answer.
"Damnit. Did I hurt anybody?"
"Other then Peter, you did give Eric some pretty deep cuts across his chest." Will told me.
"Oh well then I don't care." I said sitting up, making them laugh.
"What's with the vests?" I asked when I noticed the vests they were wearing.
"War games, we left one on your bed for you."
"Thanks, I'll see you guys in a bit." I stood.
"Eric said Tris is done." Chris said hurriedly, unsure of how I'd react.
"Good luck for him then." I walked out to go get the vest. As I was walking I saw Eric walking down another hall.
"If you think she's done, you wrong." He turned when he heard my voice.
"You couldn't be more wrong. She won't give up, and like you said, dauntless never give up." I kept walking. When I get to the sleeping areas I saw cobalt sitting next to my bag I hide. He must have went and got it when I was training.
"Thanks little brother." I mumbled. Taking the bag, I hid it behind some bricks in the wall. Sensing my distress, cobalt nuzzled his head to my leg to comfort me.
"Thanks bud, I'm just worried about Tris."
"She'll get through, I know it. And so do you."
"Yeah your right. Now I got some war training to go to. I'll see you tonight. Okay?" We high 5 and I grabbed the vest as I was on my way out, putting it on.

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