Training and Anger

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I wake up on my own as usual and got ready for the day wearing something very similar to what I had on yesterday but a red crop top instead of a black tube top. I had my usual eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow which was red today on. I noticed four come down with a pipe about ready to start banging on the metal railing but before he could I asked, "can I?" He jumped about a foot in the air as I snickered.
"What?" He asked me shocked that I was even awake and probably still recovering from the mini heart attack I just gave him.
"Can I?... You know, wake them up?" I asked again.
"Uh... Sure?" He handed me the pipe when I walked over to him.
"Get up get up get your lazy asses up now bitches! Come on we gots work to do!" I yelled as I started to bang on the railing as hard and loud as I could.
"What the hell" I heard Eric's voice ask four as he must have just come down.
"I honestly don't know." Four replied.
"I want everyone in the pit, two minutes." He said once everyone was up and staring at us. He then left. I shrugged and followed him to the pits with Eric trailing behind me.
"What the hell was that about?" Eric asked walking next to me.
"Oh I'm always up at the ass crack'a dawn, so whenever it was time for tris and Caleb to get up to go to school id always wake them up by climbing through their windows yelling at the top of my lungs and beating them with a pillow." I explain.
"Oh" was all he replied with as the other initiates start to enter the pits. When they all got here we stood in front of four and Eric waiting for further instruction.
"There are two stages of training. The first is physical, push your bodies to the breaking point and you'll master the methods of combat. The second is mental. Again breaking point,you'll face your worst fears and conquer them, unless they get you first. You'll be trained separately from the dauntless born, but you'll be ranked together. After initiation, ranks will determine what jobs you move into. Leadership, guarding the fence or keeping the factionless from killing each other." Four explained.
"Ranks will also determine who gets cut." Eric said.
"Cut?" Chris asked as me, Tris and her looked at each other.
" at the end of each stage of training, the lowest ranking initiates will be leaving us"
"To do what?" Al asked
"There's no going home to your families so you live factionless."
"Um, why didn't we know that?" Will asked this time.
"It's a new rule."
"A new rule? Somebody should have told us that." Chris said.
"Why, would you have chosen differently? Out of fear? I mean if that's the case you might as well get out now. If you were really one of us it won't matter to you that you might fail. You chose us, now we get to chose you." We then did multiple training exercises. Running was the first. I ran like I do everyday but upright, speeding past everyone else in a matter of seconds without breaking a sweat. Next they showed us some hand to hand combat, which I train myself in everyday anyways. After that we did some gun practice. I seemed to be a natural. I could almost feel Eric's stare as he stood behind me watching me.
"How is it that your so damn good at this?" He finally asked. In truth I had actually found a gun laying around in the forest and started practicing for the hell of it, but was I gonna tell him that? Hell no.
"Maybe it's because I belong in dauntless." I said shooting him a sly smile over my shoulder before going back to shooting the target.
"Ok I'll admit, that was slick." He chuckled.
"Yeah I know" I looked over at tris to see how she was doing but she haven't even hit the target once.
"Statistically speaking, you should have hit the target at least once by now." Will said.
"Wills right Tris, even by accident" I added. We then started to run around dauntless, me doing a few parkour moves which impressed everyone to say the least, before stoping so four could speak to the head of dauntless who was standing and watching some factionless.
"Check it out stiff, that's gonna be your new family. Go say hi." Peter said to Tris.
"Fuck off jackass." I growled at him. Once we got back to the pit we started doing some more combat training with partners. Since I didn't have a partner I had to go at a punching bag, which meant that I could as hard and fast as I wanted. Remembering everything before now got me really angry. Not knowing my parents, their names, what they sounded like, if they were dead or alive, why they couldn't give me to someone they knew, the letter they left me that didn't even tell me much partially because of the blood on some of it, the way people treat me, why I'm different. I could go on but that would take too long. All the anger made my blood start to boil. I was throwing punches, kicks, combos and a lot of combat techniques some of them I'm sure even the dauntless don't know. The force of my blows eventually made the bag fly off its hinges and half way across the room, which was pretty far. Everyone started at me with wide eyes as I growled in anger.
"Ok that's good maybe you should take a break." Eric suggested going to take a hold of my arm but I pulled it away while growling, "no, I'll get another bag." And went to another and continued.
"Second jumper in the ring, last jumper time to fight." Eric called a little while later. We all gathered around and then I realized the tris had to go up against this big ass girl. I went over to Chris, will and al with a worried look on my face. Tris isn't the best fighter, I offered giving her lessons but she refused. I bet she really wishes that's she had those lesson now.
"How long do we fight for" the other girl asked.
"Till one of you can't continue." Eric answers
"Or one of you concedes." Four added.
"According to the old rules. The new rules, no one concedes." Eric states
"So I'll get to beat someone till they can't get up?" I ask to which Eric nods "awesome I like this rule." I say making everyone take a step away from me as me and Eric smirk.
"You'll be scored on this so fight hard, Go!" Eric says like 'what the hell are you standing there for, let go we don't have all day'. Tris and the other girl get in the fighting stance that I personally don't like but it was taught to them by Eric and four. The other girl, Molly I think her name is, keeps stepping forward which makes tris step back intimidated, eventually stepping off the ring. When she gets back into the ring Molly lunges at her but tris goes under her arm pushing her away a little. Tris takes a swing but misses and she's vulnerable which gives Molly time to punch her in the face. Tris try's to tackle Molly around the stomach but she isn't strong enough and Molly gets at least three hits in on tris' side. When tris lets go and backs up Molly punches her in the face and tris falls. Molly stops and looks at Eric but rules are rules and Eric gestures for Molly to finish her. Molly gives tris one more punch to the face and tris is down. She's then moved off the ring buy two other guys. By now my body feels like it's on fire from all the anger that's pumping through my veins.
"Let me fight her" I tell Eric. He looks at me about to say no until he sees the look on my face, I am pissed.
"Alright last jumper, Talaluna. Your up." I jump into the ring before he even finishes the sentence, getting into my fighting stance ready to kick her ass. She try's to intimidate me by stomping at me but when she's close enough I punch her right in the nose when she stomps again, hearing a satisfying crack I know I broke it. She holds onto her nose for a second as blood and tears come pouring down her face. She then comes running at me but I'm ready for her. Jumping into the air I wrap my legs around her neck spinning and flipping her onto the ground as I land on my feet and kick her in the head, successfully knocking her out. I could feel everyone's shocked stares.
"Thats what happens when you mess with me or my friends. So don't fuck with me." I yelled and walked off the ring leaving everyone staring after me.
"Hey, you okay?" I ask tris, who had come to and was holding an ice pack to her face, as I walk up to her and sit next to her.
"You didn't have to do that." She says.
"Yes I did"
"No yo- yes I did. Tris, they look at you like your a piece of meat. I'm not gonna let them push you around, I may not be able to protect my sister in the ring but out of it you know damn well I will. Your a part of my pack and nothing's gonna change that, okay?" I told her. She nodded her head and hugged me with a small 'thank you'.
"All right guys over here." Eric said leading the rest over to some kind of board. I got up and went over with tris following behind me.
"Listen up. Do you know what this board is? It's your life. We grade you every day. If your still in he red by the end of the first stage your out." He told us, I looked for mine and smirk in victory when found that I was in first.

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