Chapter 9 ~ Said too Soon...

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"Please tell me I'm not as forgettable as your silence is making me feel."


Lindsey's POV:

"Hey Linds, any song suggestions?" Karra asked me as I got into her car.

"Um, no, you can choose." I told her.

"Lindsey, you can't always be this nice and let everyone else go before you. It makes you seem vulnerable. And some people will take advantage of it."

"Okay, mom, I'll try harder," I said jokingly.

We finished our drive to school and walked to where we sat in the morning.

The four of us sat there talking for a while, and then, as I was looking the other way, I felt someone sit next to me on the other side.

As I turned around, I was face to face with none other than Jake Levi.

He looks even hotter up close.

"Hey Linds, mind if I sit here?" he said to me.

"It's okay with me, but you need to ask my friends too," I told him with a smile on my face.

He looked at them, and all they did was smile and nod.

Oh gosh.

"So, do you guys mind if I borrow Lindsey for a sec?" he asked my friends.

"Sure, take all the time you need." Leia said to him in response.

I gave her the 'Leia! Why did you just do that!' face and got up to walk with Jake.

"You know, you can't just waltz up to my table and use your charm to mesmerize my friends like that." I told him.

"Charm? You think I have charm?" he said while making the most attractive smirk I've ever seen.

"Haha! Sure, okay," I told him. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well, you know how I asked you on a date..." he said.

"Yes...." I responded.

"I was wondering when you would like to so graciously go on that date." he said to me.

"Um, I'm pretty much free all the time, so you pick" I told him.

"Okay, so on Friday, I have the semi-finals for basketball. Do you wanna come to my game and then maybe go somewhere after?" he suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," I told him.

He gave me a side hug and he walked me back to the table where I was sitting before.

"Okay, I'll see you in class," he said to me while waving goodbye.

I waved back at him as I sat back down.

As soon as my butt touched the seat, all my friends said: So what did he say?!

"Woah guys, calm down." I told them.

"He just wanted to know where we were gonna go on our date and when."

"Wait, I thought you guys were 'fake' dating," Leia said making an air quote emphasis on the word 'fake'.

"He kind of wanted to go on a real date," I said back to them.

"Awh! That's so cute!" Jaymie said. I smiled and we talked until the bell rang for class.

First period was a little more interesting today, since we drew a model of the cellular respiration with the people on our table.

I sat with Jaymie, a girl named Maya, and Liam Knight, one of Jake's best friends.

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