Chapter 19 ~ Surprise!

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Jake's POV:

When Lindsey told me that her dad actually invited me over for dinner, it felt like some of the weight that sat on my shoulders was slightly lifted. Today, well, more like tonight to be exact, was the night that I finally get to meet her dad and see if I make it or break it.

I caught a glimpse of Karra's car pulling into the parking lot.

After it came to a complete halt, Lindsey stepped out of the passenger's side, wearing a cream colored cardigan over her casual, but still beautiful, floral dress, along with some strappy sandals. Her hair was softly curled, with a half-up half-down braid, and hairs framing her face.

When she caught sight of me, she smiled, and after putting her backpack on, walked towards me.

"Hey daisy," I said to her with a smirk on my face.

"Are you still gonna stick with that nickname?" she asked while furrowing her eyebrows. I love when she does that.

"Yup," I said popping the 'p'. We started walking to go to our class because we would have to be there in 5 minutes.

"So, are you ready for tonight?" she said looking up at me and then making a closed mouth smile.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I stated truthfully.

I guess Linds saw the nervousness on my face, so she intertwined her fingers with mine and squeezed my hand gently.

"It'll be fine." she said, trying to reassure me.

I nodded at her as we reached her first period class.

"See you at lunch?" she asked me.

I nodded in agreement and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, then made my way to my first period class.


I had a hard time focusing on my classes since all I was thinking about was dinner tonight. I don't even know why I was so nervous. I've dated girls before this, but none were as special as Lindsey is. She's perfect, from her looks, and more importantly, her personality.

I let thoughts run rapid through my head all the way until I reached the table we usually sat at for lunch.

I saw my friends, along with Lindsey and her friends, sitting at the table towards the right side of the eating area.

We had a choice of where we wanted to eat, either in the cafeteria, or outside at one of the round tables. We usually sat on one of the tables from the outside complex, except when it was raining.

Lindsey noticed me and scooted over a little on the bench to make room for me. As I approached the table, I took my backpack off and placed it on the table in front of me.

"What's wrong?" I heard a voice ask.

"What? Sorry, I kind of spaced out." I answered.

"Liam asked if you were alright." Karra answered me.

"Oh, sorry. Yea, I'm good." I responded.

"Dude, I know when you're lying. So spit it out." Chris said to me.

"I'm serious guys, nothing's wrong." I said.

"Are you still worrying about tonight? It'll be fine." Lindsey said while gently placing her hand on my shoulder to give comfort. How could she read me so well?

"Yea, I'm just stressed." I responded.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling that our next class would start in seven minutes.

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