Chapter 28 ~ Heartbroken

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Lindsey's POV:

While I was walking home, I checked the texts from Jordan.

Jordan: So where do you wanna meet up? Your place or my place?

Jordan: Really nervous, can't let anyone find out.

I immediately knew that Jordan was trying to be secretive because he didn't want Leia finding out. But, his texts also had some suspicion in them if that person reading them didn't know about Jordan's interest in Leia.

My eyes started to water after reading the texts, so I put my phone back into my purse and continued my twenty minute walk home.

When I got home, neither of my parents were home yet, so I just went into my room and shut myself out from the outside world.


"Lindsey, are you okay?" I heard a voice ask.

Pulling myself away from sleep, I turned over in my bed after laying down on my stomach.

"Hmm?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

I opened them to see Karra standing in the doorway.

"Your mom let me in. She said you were taking a nap and...." she explained.

"What happened?! Are you okay?" she asked, noticing my puffy red eyes.

I shook my head and looked down.

"Linds, what happened?" she said, rushing to my bedside and sitting down next to me.

"Jake got mad at me." I said.

"What? Are you hurt?" she asked.

I shook my head. "He saw some texts from Jordan, and thought..."

"Thought what?"

"....thought I was cheating on him." I finished.

"What? Aren't you and Jordan just like siblings?"

"Yea, I told him that. But he was too angry. He started getting really mad, so I just left." I explained.

"What did Jordan say?" she asked.

"He was just talking about how he wanted to ask Leia out."

"Can I see the texts?"

I leaned over and pulled my phone off the nightstand next to my bed, then handed it to Karra after unlocking it.

She took a few seconds to read the texts.

"So?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"They look a little suspicious for someone that doesn't know Jordan and Leia all that well." she said.

"I know, but to accuse me of cheating? I've been nothing but loyal to him the entire time, and he does this."

"Just give him some time to cool off. He'll find out the truth soon enough." she reassured me.

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