Two Weeks Later

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It's two weeks today since I asked Emily to be my girlfriend, and we've had the best two weeks ever, for the first time in my life I am happy, although I hate the fact that we are still keeping things a secret but we are both so scared of how Cece will take it, so for now it's still remaining our secret, I get dressed and head downstairs..

"Shout Cece down for me please Ali, your breakfast is ready" my mum says .. "okay mum"

"CECE" Ali shouts from the bottom of the stairs, "breakfast is ready"

Cece comes down stairs.."okay girls enjoy your breakfast, I'm off now to work love you both" mum says to us, "okay mum love you too" Ali and Cece both say together, as there mum leaves for work..

Cece.. "Ali have you got something you want to tell me?"
Ali.. looking abit scared, "no don't think so why?"
Cece.. "Aww you just seem really happy lately, like you have a special someone in your life, and I've noticed lads don't come around much anymore"
Ali.. "well there is someone I have been kinda seeing, but I don't want to introduce them just yet sis, when the times right I will"
Cece.. "Oh okay best be soon though" Cece says smiling.. "anyway I thought today we could go ice skating, it will be fun?"
Ali.. "I cant skate to save my life Cece" Ali says laughing, "but I'm up for it, we inviting the girls?"
Cece.."Yeah I'll text them all now, I'll just send it to all of them..."

Emily, Spencer, Aria, Hanna

Hey girls, me and Ali, thought it would be fun to go ice-skating for a laugh you lot in? :) text back ASAP xx

Aria.. I can't come sorry girls busy with my family today, some meal for a relatives birthday, have fun though x

Spencer.. I'm busy with toby today maybe next time girlies :)

Hanna.. oohh count me in, I'll meet you there what time? X
Cece.. around half one :) x

Emily.. I'll call around later, busy with my mum at the moment :)
Cece.. Oh I really wanted you to come out of all the girls :( xx
Emily.. ah sorry Cece, I'll pop round later though xx

"So that's me you and Hanna then who's going" Cece says to Ali.. "ah okay then let's finish eating then set off" Ali says feel gutted to herself Emily won't be there..

After finshing breakfast.. "Okay we going in your car or mine?" Ali says, "we will go in yours, you can drive for once" Cece says, "okay two mins let me quickly go use the toilet" Ali says as she runs upstairs and quickly texts Emily..

Hey baby you okay? I want you to cone today we are setting off now :) xxxxx

Aww Babe I'm busy I promise later I'll come around :) xxxxx

Okay beautiful I love you Em xxxxx

Love you too Ali xxxxx

"Okay I'm ready sis" Ali says heading downstairs, "you were ages come on" Cece says, as they leave the house and get into Ali's car..

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