Pool Party ( Part 2 ) A Blast From The Past

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Contined from the previous chapter...

Spencer, Hanna, Ali, Emily and Cece are still sat on the grass drinking alcohol with a awkward silence..

Hanna.. "So Cece, how's it going with you and your DJ boyfriend"
Cece.. "well not good, it wasn't to be in the end, my minds not with it lately with everything that's happened"
Ali.. muttering under her breath.."oh please"
Cece.. "what was that Ali didn't quite hear you"
Ali.. "I said oh please, you do sound so dramatic, your being a child"
Cece.. "Ali I aint going to waste my time arguing with you"
Emily.. "You two just stop it, let's have fun"
Spencer.. "I agree, I'll go grab us some more drinks, help me carry them please Ali"

Spencer comes back with Ali passing drinks to Cece, Emily and Hanna..

Spencer.. "let's have a laugh girls, we can play snog, marry, avoid.."
Ali.. "Yeah but we're all in a relationship"
Emily.. "exactly I don't want to play"
Cece.. "Oh don't be boring let's play"
Hanna.. "Okay I'll go first I'll give three names and you all answer and it's got to be people here at the party.. so Noel, Cece & Elliot?"
Spencer.. "avoid Noel, snog Elliot marry Cece"
Emily.. "This is awkward I'm gay, erm.. avoid Noel, snog Cece, marry Elliot, this is a game though I am only marrying my girl obviously"
Ali.."aww Em" Ali says smiling..
Cece.. "not the first time we've kissed eh Emily?" A tipsy Cece says as she continues drinking..
Ali.. "Cece you kissed Emily, to split us up it didn't work"
Spencer.. "ok moving on girls, don't argue please, right so Ali, Caitlin and Tom"
Emily.. " well for a start 100 million percent I'll be marrying ALI, she says smiling at Ali, snog Caitlin and Tom avoid"
Cece.. "Oh Ali she said she would snog Caitlin, you need to watch your girlfriend"
Emily.. "Cece it's a game, only thing I did mean is I'll be marrying Ali"
Ali.. smiling at Emily.."don't worry Em, why would you want Caitlin look at me" she says laughing drinking more alcohol, and leaning over to kiss Emily..
Cece.. "Omg you knock me sick please okay next, Right.. Emily, Cameron and Becca"
Hanna.. "Marry Emily.."
Ali.. butts in "dream on bitch" she says drinking more alcohol..
Hanna.. "not serious Ali, who's Cameron anyway?"
Cece.. "Oh someone who's just come to the party late, Noels friend"
Ali.. looks around.. "Omg Cece I hate you, you invited him didn't you?"
Emily.. "who is he"
Cece.. "surprised you don't recognize him, Em Cameron he used to have more longer hair about 4 years ago"
Emily.. looks at Ali.. "I do remember now"
Hanna... "Omg he's changed, he looks actually cuter, with the shorter hair"
Ali.."i don't understand why Cece?" Ali storms off, upstairs to the bathroom, with Emily following..

"ALI" Cameron shouts, but Ali just goes straight upstairs...

Hanna.. "that was cruel Cece"
Spencer.. "Yeah wrong choice we were having fun then Cece"
Cece.. "I thought Ali might of wanted to see him, he's been out of town for the past 4 years"..
Hanna.. "she's happy now with Emily"
Cece.. "exactly well she shouldn't mind him being here then, anyway im going getting more alcohol"

Upstairs in the bathroom.. "sorry Em, I needed to come up here" ..im confused Ali, is there feelings still there between you and him?" .. "Em know of course not trust me he broke my heart, we were together for 2 years and he just left me said he was moving away" .. "Did you hear from him since he's been gone?".. "No Em I promise I ain't he left me a letter saying he couldn't do it anymore and went back to live with his dad miles away".. "Ali I am worried, what if he's back for you?" .. "Em listen I love you it's just a shock, to see someone I was in a relationship with for two years and someone I aint seen for the past four years be here I never thought I'd see him again and I never wanted to, Cece has done this to piss me off"..Ali rants.. "Your going to leave me Ali?" Em says worrying.. Ali kisses Em's lips passionately.. "listen Em, no one will come between us EMISON FOREVER"... "aww Ali, you so cute saying that" Emily says smiling to Ali.. "okay let's go back down yeah Ali?".. "Yeah okay then Emily let's go" Ali says reluctantly walking downstairs...

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