vi. catharsis

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1 | when i have fears that i may cease to be

inspired by the late, English poet john Keats and his poem of the same title. In the sonnet Keats, a poet I studied in my advanced english class, expresses his fears of dying before he reaches his full poetic potential and therefore not having the ability to become one the greats and despite the pieces hyper structured frame work, there was some very raw and honest i found in it that inspired to write a poem that explores similar themes.

2 | la petite mort (the little death)

la petite mort, is a French phrase and those literally translate to "the little death" in an english context the term actually translates to 'orgasm.' And so, in this piece a play around with that idea and wrote hyper-personified piece where I talk about my complex relationship with death and how times I've almost brushed paths with it

3 | a working progress

a piece in which my relationship with my writing (and art) are personified as ex-lovers and who abannoned me, a matter which i discuss with an imagined shrink. here i also discuss the spell of writers block that fell upon me.

**also i thought i would mention when i met Rupi Kaur at an event she was performing spoken word at which a close friend of mine and myself went to see her at, she read a piece with a similar set up, this was well after i'd written this piece but I just that was interesting - but hers was about an actual relationship.

4 | the great depression (and anxiety)

A hyper-metaphorical piece i explore the only time i felt the closest to depressed as i can think, in a scenario where it is describe as being trapped in a drama-method acting class

5 | the author; revised

where i talk about the breaking apart and reassembling of myself, myself esteem and the think that matter to be for the sugery and the mental break and every else like it.


when you forget your supposed to be publishing today, lmao

anyway this is the final part of the collection and soon I'll be saying goodbye to this like wowee.

hola to y'all who consistently vote my poems i see you and y'alls will be getting dedications in the next few poems so look forward to that. otherwise i love all of you sooo much. so have a great week ♡.

p.s. take a shot every time a preface a mundane word with 'hyper' i dunno why i thought that was cute.

the failings of a surgically healed heart | a collectionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara