3 | method writer

343 70 15

in the summer of last year

(before i fell into a pit of depression)

i wanted to fall in love.

not for an authentic reason,

but for research purposes.


this an experiment; a primary source where i

collect data and draw conclusions

for a manuscript i was working on at the time –

thought if i became my art

(a method writer, if you will)

my commitment would show in my craft


(spoiler alert: i never finished the manuscript)


that summer,

was one of moods swings and

a blooming misery in my gut.


that summer,

we drank so much diet lemonade

we were sure we'd get cancer

because of how cheap it was.


that summer, 

we lost one friend

to the woes of less than perfect exams results;

gained another one and a half

because of the unforetold allure of hill climbing

of which my heart condition and my father,

selfish as usual,

did not let me be a part of.


that summer,

my best friend tried to convince herself

she didn't like her now boyfriend

because she couldn't face rejection


that summer,

i did face rejection

from the half a friend we gained

told him i liked him even though i didn't

only for him to respond: "i was hot"

but didn't he like me that way

listed off a bunch a reasons it wouldn't work,

his catholic mother,

my personality, etc.


yet still, we sexted for longest week of my life,

because he still wanted my body

and i mistook that to mean he wanted me

rubbed his leg until he was hard and

later had him tell me how jerked off (twice) as a result,

lied about my own masturbation habits

so he didn't feel awkward –


did not feel the need to climax until

i called the whole thing off


that summer i learnt every boy is a fuckboy -

especially the "nice" ones.


that summer i learnt for girls like me

love works best as a hypothesis


that summer,

i learnt you can't force someone to love you

and you can't force yourself to love someone else.


that summer, 

the smallest part of me that was still a hopeless romantic

was stomped out

like the ghost of a (camp)fire.


and when it came time for autumn:

i was the most miserable i had ever been and

still without a finished manuscript.

- conclusion: real life is far more disappointing than fiction could ever imagine


apologies for the delayed update i had to reshuffled the structure of the this poem in some parts.

moreover, this has to be one of my favourite poems I've written ever and i truly hope all of you enjoy it too

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