Chapter 54

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"We're here" Adelram announces as we pull into a small parking lot out in the middle of nowhere. On the rocky parking lot there's a large, dark, very old hotel. It looks run down and as though it been deserted for many years.

There's no light shining inside nor is there any noises. I hesitate to get out of the car as I look over to Adelram "are you sure?" I question skeptically.

"Yeah, this is the place" Adelram affirms without a doubt and I sure hoped he knew what he was doing.

I feel myself take a sharp intake of breath when I open my door hearing quiet cries, cries I recognize all too well as Abigail's.

Two emotions run through me at this moment.

One, pain as I hear the sound of oppress in her cries. It was almost as if I could feel her pain just by listening to her sobs.

The second thing I felt was utter relief. Relief at the fact that even though she is in pain, she alive, she's not dead, relief that we made it in time.

"You find Abigail, I'll find Slyder" Adelram instructs me. I nod, relieved that I won't have to face Slyder just yet and can instead see Abigail.

I don't even hesitate, my mind only on Abigail as I run toward the old building as fast as I can, Adelram followed right beside me. I swing open the hotel door to reveal a dimly lit open area with a front desk, spider-webs was splayed across the room wrapped on every surface of it.

Adelram goes left as I go right, following the quiet cries of Abigail. I want so badly to call out to her, to tell her that I'm here, that I'm going to save her, but I know that if I do that, I'll ruin the element of surprise Adelram and I have worked so hard to create, so instead of listening to my mind I choose to creep down the hallway with the flashing fluorescent lights as quietly and quickly as I can.

I open the first door to my left, besides a broken bed and some torn up carpet, it's empty. A shiver runs through me despite the humidity in the air, I can't stop my mind from thinking about moments from the movie The Shinning.

After going through empty room after empty room, seeing only a few doors left I begin to lose hope, convincing myself that this is all fake, that Abigail's cries were just a trick my mind was playing on me, but then I open the last door on the right, I stop for a moment taking a deep breath hoping she is in here, hoping I found her. All of my doubt comes flooding out as I open the door seeing Abigail.

Shock fills my entire body and I'm instantly frozen. My hand flies to my mouth as tears begin watering in my eyes.

Abigail is tied to a chair that's bolted to the floor. Her clothes are torn and dirty, her hair wild and yanked around, her face is cut and bloody, her skin is burnt, cut and sliced, there's salt poured on the gashes in her arm, she's near naked. Her head is sagged down in defeat as she cries quietly, still not noticing me.

"Abi" I exclaim, my voice only coming out as a croaky whisper. Tears are sliding down my cheek as her head slowly lifts to look at me. "What has he done to you?" I cry.

Abigail's eyes flare with pure anger and hatred as she lifts her head defiantly "go away!" She growls.

I take a step back in surprise, what is she talking about? Don't tell me he brain washed her.

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