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Guys, I'm finally doing it, the answers to all of your questions. I'm sorry that it took so long, I had completely forgotten about it and I've just been so extremely busy I've hardly had any time to myself. Again, sorry!

What did you mean when you changed Slyder's illumination from white to red-orange?
So before that very last chapter with Slyder, I had his illumination be the color white, but after reading over the chapter I realized that every other character had illumination that matched their eye color so I changed his light to red-orange (the color of his eyes).

Would it be okay for us to write fanfics about Kamari's and Adelram?
Absolutely! I would definitely support any ideas of making a fanfic. Anybody who does make one, please make sure to inform me about it, I would be so excited to read it!!

What country are you from?
I am a born and raised American, although I wish I could say some really cool place like Europe. Always wanted to live there!

How old are you?
I am currently fifteen years old. Sagittarius though, so my sweet sixteen is coming soon, I personally cannot wait! 😁

How could Adelram do that 24 hour exercise thing when he knew that Kamaria was being tortured by a psychotic killer? I never understood this.
I don't think I did a very good job of explaining this, I mostly just had this inside story in my own head I suppose, but the reason he didn't just abandon the ESPP and go save Kamaria is because the ESPP held the information on where to find Slyder's hideout where he had Kamaria. I didn't want to pull one of those unrealistic and dramatic stunts where one guy beats an entire building/corporation of highly trained and skilled fighters to get the information so I decided to take a different route. I know it makes Adelram seem selfish and idiotic but let's be honest, it's much more realistic this way.

How did you come up with the names for Adelram and Kamaria?
I spent quite a lot of time researching online Greek names that have specific meanings. I searched google for "Names that means Dark and Noble" I had looked on multiple websites and passed over many unsuitable names until I finally found what I like to think is the perfect name. It was the same process for Kamaria, except I looked up "Names that mean Beauty of the Moon".

How did you come up with the idea for this book?
Honestly, I really don't even know how I did. I found Wattpad and clicked onto "create a story" then I sat there and looked at a blank screen for a good two-three minutes, then, almost like magic, the words started just pouring into my mind and I legit felt like I couldn't type fast enough for my mind. It was a surreal experience, one I'll never forget.

Are you working on any other books besides the prequel to Blue Eyes?
Yes I am. I am currently working on ten different books as a matter of fact. I know that sounds crazy, but my mind just randomly gets ideas for books and I figure I should write it down and create the base for it before I forget or lose my train of thought. So I have 10 books in my section of works, but I'm focusing on only two of them at the moment, one of which is My Forbidden Secret (the prequel).

Who's your favorite character?
Oh gosh now that is a truly difficult question. I loved writing Cayden's flirtatious little innuendos, and really enjoyed creating Kamaria's whole personality and characteristics, but I'd still have to say that my favorite is Adelram.

I think that was all the questions so that's it you guys...okay...bye. lol I don't know what to say to end this.

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