Part 5

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Straight after dinner we do five laps around dauntless for a warm up. Lauren had previously said that she wants to see how fit we all are first before we go in to using the guns. I'm currently leading the run by 7 meters. James and Ashton aren't far behind.

"And stop." I hear lauren shout. "Gather round. So today is basically a fitness test. I'm going to let you all do what you want and I'm going to do quick check ups on you. As dauntless we are protectors of the city therefor we need to keep up a strong image. The stronger you are the stronger your presence is. "

we all nod our heads then go to different pieces of equipment. I start on the jump ropes. Uncoiling them and slowly bring them around then gradually bringing up the speed until I'm at a rapid pace. Jumping up and down with my ponytail swinging like crazy. After doing that for about 30 minutes I decide to move in to the punching bag. I strap up my hands and wrists in thick white bandages so I don't do any damage to them. I start my punches and don't realise how long I've been doing them for.

"That's enough for today initiates. Back to the dorms and hit the showers. You smell like you've been stuck in the amity fields on a sunny day." Lauren jokes. We all laugh and leave the building in a clump. When we arrive at the dorms we sort out the shower order. Instantly everyone wants to go for a shower first so there's only one way to solve it.

"Everyone calm down. Let's do it the simple way because we leave the hard and confusing stuff for erudite. Girls pick a captain, boys pick a captain." They automatically all go in to team talking. Girls have picked Rita and the boys have picked Ashton." Line up against the wall and the first person to run to the other side and give me a high five, their team wins. Simple." I get a lot of nods and yeahs in reply. Rita and Ashton line up against the wall and I take my position.


They both launch themselves at me, running at full speed until a hand crashes in to mine.

"Girls win." I holler. I receive a lot of grunts and moans from the guys. "Boys you can leave and then one of the girls will come to wherever you are and let you know that the showers are free." They all leave the room and us girls congratulate Rita. We all quickly shower and wash our hair before changing in to comfortable clothes.

"Let's go tell the boys." Rea shouts. As the dauntless we are we tumble out the door and rush down the stairs. We see them hanging around in the pit.

"SHOWERS ARE FREE!" Li Anne screams. The boys hurry by us up the stairs and back to the dorms.

"What do you all want to do." Rea asks.

"Get tattoos?!" Lianne exclaims.

"You guys go ahead. I need to see my brother and then I'm heading to bed. I've had a rough day." I tell the girls. I turn and walk away I see zeke sitting at the edge of the pit with four and lauren. I go over and join them.

"Hey losers." I say whilst sitting next to zeke.

"Hey." They chorus back.

"So whatcha talking about." I ask.

"Nothing much just really about the new initiates and all that." Four replies.

"I know I'm not suppose to be talking about this but how is it going this year." I question.

"Well to be honest the dauntless born set is alright it's good that you all get along and that you can go full out and still forgive each other after fights." Lauren explains.

"The transfers are weak. They have no muscle and are scared to hurt their peers. A few are too aggressive whilst the rest are too nice. They don't listen and think that they can pass initiation." Four goes on.

"About that I have a question. When are the cuts."

"Soon. It's hard time especially for the dauntless borns because they say goodbye to their homes but it has to be done. Anyway it will probably happen tomorrow because that's you done everything in round one and two. You've done hand to hand and weapons." Lauren tells me. "That's story time for you now head to bed. I don't need a tired Initiate tomorrow."

"Or a grumpy teacher." Four butts in.

"Teacher?" Zeke asks. Before I have to explain to him I take off. I run to the dorms since the guys are finished and go to bed.

I've got a big day tomorrow.

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