Part 9

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I wake up with a shudder. I'm in a black room and there's a single spotlight. I cautiously make my way over to it. Under the spotlight there's a doctors chair. I slowly sit down on the chair. As soon as I lean down it's like a force brings me closer. I can't get up and I can't move. I am completely catatonic. I can't scream for help either. Suddenly I'm being poked and prodded at. I look and see that there is at least 100 needles sticking in me. My breathing becomes rigid and I'm holding in a scream. I look around to see if there is anything that can stop this and there's not. I need to calm down because being stressed will only make it worse.

Breathe in.
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out.

I tightly shut my eyes and ignore the pain. Keeping my breathing at a slow and constant speed.

Suddenly I don't feel the pain anymore. I open my eyes and see that I'm back in dauntless with four at my side.

"Calm down. It's over now. You're safe." He explains. My rapid breathing starts to slow down as I look around. I try to stand up but fall to the ground. Four walks around and picks me up before carefully sitting me down on the seat again. He looks at his watch and then back at me.

"Zeke should be off his shift. I'll get him to come and take you back to the dormitories."

"No thanks. He'll laugh at me and that's the last thing I need."

"Well if you're too stubborn looks like your stuck with me." He puts one of my arms over his shoulder and lifts me up so I'm standing. He basically drags me to the dormitories. When I go in I see Shawn, Rita and Rea are all like me. The others aren't here. Four sits me on my bed then whispers in my ear.

"You finished that in 10 minutes which is extremely good. Keep up the good work." He tells me before leaving. I slowly struggle to get up but once I'm fully standing I make my way over to the shower. I turn back and see that Shawn and Rita are asleep so I quickly take a cold shower to calm my nerves. Washing away the fear.


I'm woken up at the ungodly hour of 1 o'clock by Eric bursting in to the room and yelling at us to get up. I sit up groggily and look at my friends to see them doing the same thing.

"Wake up initiates. We are going on a field trip. Lauren is not attending so it will just be four and I. You have 20 minutes to get in to comfortable clothing and be up on the platform. If you're late then you don't go." he walks out leaving us to get ready. I jump in to action, grabbing a pair of thick black leggings, dark red t-shirt, black hoodie and running trainers. i quickly splash my face with cold water to try and wake me up some more. I turn around and see that everyone is up and getting ready to leave. We run up to the platform to see four and Eric lounging around. When we burst through the door they glance at us then go back to their conversation. A few minutes later the transfers come stumbling in looking like zombies. They make it up just in time as we see the train pulling up. We start to run side by side with it until we launch ourselves in to the open carriage. The dauntless borns are at the front of the carriage whilst the transfers are all at the back.

"Game's simple." Four announces. "Just like capture the flag."

"Weapon of choice."Eric states. "Guns that contain a neuro-sim dart. Simulates the pain of a real gunshot wound, only lasts a couple of minutes. Two teams, Four and I are captains."

"You pick first." Four offers.

"Alright, Ari." Eric announces. I make my way over towards him signaling that I'm in his team.




It basically goes on like that until we are equally in two teams. Our team has the advantage of going to the end of the tracks. Once we are all safely off of the train we break out in to a light jog. We are in a dark secluded area when Eric reveals the flag, it's an illumines green thats about the size of a piece of A2 piece of card.

"Any ideas?" Eric asks no one in particular.

" Two teams :offence and a defence." a transfer suggests.

"Good idea." I speak up. I get a nod of heads in agreement. "Who will be better at what."

"Since I've observed every ones training I've got an idea for teams. Offence is Aria, Rita, James, Liam and me. Defence is Aaron, Emily. Got it?" He sternly tells us. We nod our heads then he brings out the flag again. "Where are we going to hide this."

"How about somewhere high." I suggest, knowing that four has a fear of heights.

"Yeah but where?" They chorus

"How about on the edge of the abandoned fun house. Near the exit, that way they have to go through the house which will give us more time to attack them." I explain.

"That would work." Rita exclaims.

"Let's go then." Eric tells us before handing Emily the flag. "Now we got to find their flag. I suggest that one person goes to the roof to see if they can find them and direct us where to go." We all nod our heads in reply. "Liam I want you to go up there, as soon as you get up on the roof you need to turn your light off. We don't want to tell them where we are."

"Yes sir." Liam then sprints away to the fun house along with Emily and Aaron.

"Thank god they are away. The transfers this year can't fight their way out of a paper bag, Their aim is sloppy and they run like a bunch of pansycakes." Eric rants. We look up and see that Liam is on the roof. He makes some weird hand gestures which i guess means they are at the carousel. Eric motions for him to come back down. He climbs down an old ladder which is connected to the side of the wall and is soon back to our side.

"Lets go win." Eric tells us before storming off.

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