Part 7

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"Well that was impressive." Angel states. She's one of the leaders that's around the age of 24.

"Well done Ari. You took that under control and showed skill through it. You made them respect you. And if you survive initiation then I think that I have the perfect job for you." Max speaks out. "You are dismissed. Go and get something to eat. You deserve it. "

"Thank you." I say strongly before walking out of the training room. I head straight to the hall but I can't see any of my friends. Instead I see Uriah sitting with Marlene and Lynn so I decide to join them.

"Hey." I say.

"Oh hey ari where are your friends. Oh wait. You don't have any." Uriah smartly speaks.

"Ha ha ha." My words drip with sarcasm. "I was actually out working with the transfers so I have no idea."

"Why were you working with the transfers." Lynn asks.

"Too weak and won't listen. Let's say that they won't dare come near me." I reply whilst finishing my ham sandwich. "Anyway I got to get back. See ya."

I get a chorus of byes as I run out of the hall. I get back to the training room to see everyone circled around lauren. At first I one notices that I'm here but then lauren catches my eye.

"Go and get something to eat you lot. The last thing I want to hear is stomach rumbles." Lauren says. Everyone walks out laughing as lauren motions me to her. I walk up to her.

"You didn't miss much this morning it was basically a revision of everything we have done so far. But I also heard about you this morning you little prodigy." She tells me with a smile.

"Yeah yeah. I just hope I shut that guy up."

That causes a round of giggles to erupt from us.

"Anyway at dinner you will find out your ranks. Because of the amount of people we have this year one person will be dropped from each set. Then I'm the next stage two people will be dropped in total. I feel sorry for the dauntless born because you all are really good this year." Lauren tells me.

"Yeah. I've grown up with these guys and it'll be hard to let one of them go." I reply.

"Well this afternoon we will put both dauntless borns and transfers together for fights. We want to see all the levels. This will give people a part chance."

"That should be good."

Everyone starts to come back in and we all just sit together on the floor.

"I can't believe that one of us will leave tonight." Rita exclaims.

"I know and we are all so close." James reply.

They all start to go in to their own chatter whilst I just think. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when four walks in with the transfers. They all look weak and breakable compared to us.

"Gather round." Eric shouts. We do as we're told and circle around him. "Today you will be fighting each other. A dauntless born against a transfer. We want to see if you have improved. These are who you all will be fighting." He turns the board around to reveal a list.

Ashton: Liam
Li-Anne: Mari

Looks like I'm up first and against that smart mouth Raymond. Just another chance to put him back in his place. I look around and see him trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"Ari and Raymond you're up first." Eric shout.

I take of my hoodie and pass it to Rea since she was closest to me. Raymond feebly gets on to the mat and looks at Eric expecting him to tell us to start. Instead I rush forward and connect my fist to his jaw. A sickening crack egos throughout the room. Raymond falls to the floor in agony and presses his right hand to his jaw. I take this opportunity to kick him repeatedly in the stomach. He curls over in pain as I bend down and send the winning punch to his face which knocks him out. I get up and run my hands together. Four comes forward and lifts him up taking him to the hospital area. I get my hoodie back from Rea and put it on. I turn back and see Rita go up to fight that girl Emily. Emily is about 6"2 and is quite bulky. She towers over Rita trying to look intimidating but instead Rita stomps on her foot and when Emily looks down Rita knees her in the face causing blood to flow out of her nose. As her guarding hand reclines to hold her nose Rita gets a good few punches in. Until she knocks her out.

All of the dauntless borns beat the transfers. They were all too easy but now was the hard bit. We are heading to the hall to see our places.

And to see which friend will be leaving us.

Boom. I'm updating this really quick

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