Part 19

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Suddenly we all start cheering. But I'm still in a world of my own.

I'm first in my class!

I'm suddenly shook out of my day dreaming state by the doing a dog pile on me.

"Guys!cant!breathe!" They burst out laughing before getting off of me then pulling me up.

"Tonight we shall PAR TAY!" Ashton shouts. We escape the screaming pit and go to our dorm. We all start raking through our drawers looking for something to wear.

The boys all wear black jeans and black tops. Typical.

I grab my favourite dress.

"Let's get this party started!" Jacob shouts

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"Let's get this party started!" Jacob shouts. We let out a roar of laughter before storming in to the pit. Already the pit is filled with members of dauntless partying. There's a dj set, drinks, flashing lights and lots of laughter.
This is the dauntless life.
The boys and I all start to morph into the dancing crowd, jumping and moving to the unknown beat. This is so much fun because I'm with my best friends. Sure none of them are girls but that's just being sexist and stereotypical. Suddenly I'm yanked to the left and towards the bar. The boys started ordering up loads of drinks whilst I just soak up the party. A bottle of something is shoved into my hand by Jacob.He gives me a pat on the back before ordering more. I take a sip as it slowly burns my through but I don't care. Tonight's my night. Tonight is more important than any birthday or any Christmas because tonight I finish top of my class. Tonight is my last night of freedom before I'm thrown in to a job. Tonight's the night.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by the boys dragging me to one of the rocks where I see Four, Lauren, Zeke, Shauna and Tori all sitting on a rock talking. From our laughing they all turn and look at us. Four,lauren , Shauna and tori start clapping whilst Zeke runs up and engulfs me in a hug literally lifting me off the ground and spinning me around before he places me back down again.

"IM SO PROUD OF YOU!" He shouts in my ear. I let out a loud laugh as the others keep clapping.

"Why thank you everyone for this almighty round of applause." I joke whilst sitting myself between lauren and four. The boys then go and grab seats between them all. "So what are you doing."

"You know, just reminiscing on the fact that a year ago big ol' four here kicked Eric's butt." Zeke shouted. I couldn't contain my laughter as I realised how stupid Zeke is.

"And if you've forgotten I kicked yours. So I'd shut it." Eric came up behind Zeke. He suddenly paled but then burst out laughing with the rest of us.

"So what's brought you over grumpzilla." I ask.

"Grumpzilla?" He questions.

"Yip. You didn't answer my question."

"Just make sure you don't get too intoxicated. You have interviews tomorrow. And housing arrangements." He tells me with a smirk before walking away. As soon as his back is turned we all burst out laughing and I receive a few pats on my back.


Luckily for me I didn't have too many drinks last night. The boys are a different story. So when Eric came in with a smug smirk on his face and started to bang the piece of metal against the pipe he earned groans from everyone but me.

"You have 30 minutes and then I want you all in the pit to discuss housing and jobs." He states before walking away. I swing me legs out letting my bare feet touch the cold rock floor. I see all the boys turn over and try to go back to sleep. Then the best idea I've ever had came to mind. I start to jump along all the beds screaming "wake up!" at the top of my lungs. But it's all cut short when they launch their pillows at me and I'm knocked to the floor.


"Ari Pedrad" Eric's loud voice shouts. I get up off the rocks and high five the boys before making my was in to the room. In front of me sits the leaders. Angel, max, Eric and John.

"Hello Ari," max starts off. "Congratulations for coming first in your initiation class."

"Thank you."

"Your rank offers a variety of jobs though I have one in particular that I would love for you to have. Ari, how would you like to become a leader?"


Did max just ask me to become a leader

Through the confusion I didn't realise the next few words that poured out of my mouth.

"I'd love to"

"Great that's it settled. Starting from tomorrow we'll put you through leader training. You will also get an apartment next to us." He hands me over 2 keys with a keyring that has the number 5 on it. "I'm sure you already know where the leaders corridor is. I'll see you tomorrow at 9 o'clock and your training will begin. You are excused." I quickly nod my head before walking out of the room.

As I open the door I feel all the other initiates eyes on me. Eric also comes out of the door "Ashton".

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