Part 16

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As I walk in to the auditorium I feel all the pressure. All the stares. All the focus.

I sit in the slightly uncomfortable plastic chair and lean back. I expect tori to come over and inject me but instead one of the erudite men come over and hands me a red solution.

"This will have the same effect as the injection. As soon as you shut your eyes your eyes you will enter your fear landscapes. Do you understand." He explains.

"Yes. Bottoms up." I gulp the solution and lean back. I shut my eyes and enter my worst nightmare. Quite literally.


I wake up in front of the chasm.

I'm standing in the ledge looking into the oblivion of water. I look up and see that the compound is eerily silent. I stand up straight and turn around. Behind me is a row of people. Family, friends, leaders. The list goes on.

First up is my mom.

"Your the reason your father is dead. Your a selfish monster." Before I can say anything else she jumps over the ledge. I go to grab her arm but it's to late. Water splashes on my hand and I hear her body become engulfed by the water. I look back and see Zeke approaching me. I wrap my arms around his waist.

"You're the reason we have no parents now. It's always your fault."

As he's about to go over the age I try to stop him.

"No. Dad died because of an accident. It was nobody's fault. Not you. Not me. Not Uriah. Not mom. No ones. So I'm not a selfish monster. I'm not a disgrace. I'm human. And so are you so stop blaming me!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

Before I can stop it Zeke goes tumbling over the edge but grabs me with him. Together we fall just like our mom did. Halfway through the fall out hands let go. Instead of falling into the water rapids I softly land in a foamy dentist chair. Suddenly I'm held down by chains.

How did this happen.

Suddenly I feel a prick in my arm. I look down to se a needle stuck in my arm. And another. And another. And another. There must be about 20 needles in me right now. I feel myself start to panic.

Relax. That's what I need to do.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. I shut my eyes and continue to take deep breathes until the pain goes away.

When I open my eyes I'm in the same chair in the middle of a dauntless hallway. I get up off the chair and take a few steps forward. When I turn and look back the chair is gone.

What the heck.

I look forward but only to be met with rea. 

"I can't let you go." She speaks in a monotone voice.

I take a few steps back only to bump into another large figure. I do the thing that you should never do in a horror movie. I turn around.

"No one can know were divergent."

They both advance on me from either end. As soon as they reach in punching distance I swing for rea. My fist connects with her nose which has blood rapidly flowing. Rita grabs my arm and tries to flip me over. Before I let her do that I connect my other cost with her jaw then swipe her feet out from underneath her. Suddenly a gun appears behind Rita. If I don't grab it then they'll kill me with it.

It's like everything is in slow motion.

I sprint towards the gun pushing all of my energy into my fingertips as they wrap around the handle. I spin around as Rita and rea clamber towards me. I aim and shoot. As the trigger goes off I open my eyes.

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