Part 13

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After the interview I went straight to the dorm. I burst through the door and everyone looks at me.

"Hey Ari. Where have you been." Jacob asks with concern in his eyes. I'm guessing that none of them know about the incident with Rea and Rita so I decide to play it cool.

"Just down at the gym. I lost track of time. Sorry if I worried you." I quickly reply.

"As long as you're okay."

I make my way over to my bed and pick an outfit before getting changed. I chose black shorts and a black spaghetti strap tank top. I brush my teeth then go under the covers.

"Have you seen Rita or Rea. They're not back yet." Shawn asks.

Before I can answer Eric's voice floods in to the room and echoes off of the walls. "No need to worry about them they can take care of themselves. And I just want to let you all know that you have tomorrow off from training. A free day of such." I hear a chorus of yeahs come from the boys.
"But the day after you have your final part of your initiation. Your fear landscapes." The boys start to boo. "It's a pre-warning. You are allowed to go to the simulation room and have a chance at a single fear landscape. You can go to the training room. You are allowed to do anything within the dauntless compound and you can only leave if you have an adult. You are not allowed to get wasted. And most importantly. Don't annoy me. That's all." His stone cold presence leaves the room.

"Hey Ari. Do you want to go out with us." The boys ask.

"Nah. I'm tired but I'll see you guys at breakfast." I say before putting my head back in to the pillow. I shut my eyes and pretend to sleep until I hear the boys leave. I roll out of bed and make my way to the sinks. I turn on the relaxing warm water and look at myself in the mirror.

I have bags under my eyes, my hair is tangled, my eyes care bloodshot. To say the least, it looks like I've been dragged through hell by the nail of my pinkie.

I make my way back to my bed and cuddle into the blankets. Every time I shut my eyes I see them. I see them walking towards me. And they're getting closer and close and closer until I wake up screaming for help. When the digital clock turns 23:00 I can't take it anymore. I shoot up from my bed and put on my sneakers before making my way out to the pit.

The pit is full of light and laughter. People dancing drunk, play fighting, having fun with friends. I've came up with an idea. It might be a stupid idea but I'm not erudite.

Even with my massive fear of needles I walk in to the tattoo parlour. Just having a look around. My dad use to be a tattoo artist. He would show me all of his designs and let me try and copy a few with some crayons or pens. Even with my love for art and all of his designs. I could never set foot in the parlour. It just got worse when my father jumped over the chasm.

No one knew why he did it. It just happened. Zeke was 7, I was 6 and Uriah was only 5. It was about 4 in the morning and I heard my dad about to leave. Tiny me didn't know that this would be the last time I would see him. He was putting in his boots in the sitting room, trying not to be too loud. My tiny bare feet padded along the wooden floor as I approached him.

"Daddy. Where are you going."

"Just out for a walk and some fresh air before I go to work, Anna."

"Okay daddy. I love you."

"I love you too."

I engulfed him in a quick hug and missed his cheek before running back to my room. I wrapped myself in the blanket as I heard the door shut. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

What felt like two minutes later but was actually two hours, there was a rapid knock in the door. Stretching out my arms I rip back the covers and make my way into the sitting room. I see max at the door, a new dauntless leader. I see him walk out and shut the door behind him. As he shuts the door my mom collapses to the ground as sobs rack through her body. I immediately rush forward and welcome her into my little arms. Uriah and zeke open the door and see the predicament that our family is in.

As I walk through the shop I see four laying down on his stomach getting a tattoo on his back. I also see zeke sitting waiting on him. I walk to the waiting area and sit down next to him. When he turns around all I can see is utter shock splattered on his face.

"Ari, what are you doing here."

"My fear landscape is in 2 days and it's got me thinking about what I'm going to face. Needles are obviously one and being a disappointment. But what else will there be. Will I have 8 fears or will I have 28. Who's going to be in my fears and what are they going to be. Will I relive my last night with dad and regret not being able to stop him. It's all so confusing. So I've decided to try and get rid of as many as I can. And I'm facing one of my biggest. Needles." I rant out.

"I'm proud of you baby sis. I really am. But what are you going to get."

"A single blossoming rose with 5 thorns."

"Well that's specific. What does it mean."

"Well it's a thorn for every member of the family and the rose is to show that it's only the beginning. That I'm just starting."

Just as I finish four walks out talking to tori. He's shocked when he turns round and faces me.

"Ari. What are you doing here." He asks.

"Are you asking that as an instructor or a friend."


"Instructor: overcoming my fears. But as a friend: probably doing something that I will regret in years to come." I ramble.

"Well good luck. I would stay but we've got a shift to do."


As they walk out I go over to Tori.

"Never thought I'd see the day when Ari pedrad walks through these doors." She smirks.

"Well it's your lucky day. I've got my fear landscapes coming up and thought that I better over come some fears."

"Come on through."

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