Crazy Train

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"Crazy Train" is definitely one of my favorite episodes, and I've always wanted to write an add-on to it, just to see where my imagination would take me in wondering what could've been if it wasn't for Cabe interrupting Walter and Paige's "moment". So here it is (finally!) and I hope you like it! Please let me know what you think! I love reading your comments! :)


"Walter, you're always thinking about the 'greater good' and how everybody else needs saving, but I need you to be selfish for once and think about yourself."

"I'm confused."

Paige took a few steps towards Walter.

"Look at that boy over there."

She looked over at Ralph, who was sound asleep on the couch.

"Think about how important you are to him, think about the team, your friends. How important you are to them. Think about-"

She came and stood inches away from Walter's face.

Her eyes flickered down to his lips, then back up to meet his gaze.

"Think about-How important you are to me."

She started to cry.

"Walter, I hit you because you scared me. I was scared I was going to lose you today. I saw you disappearing into the-the blackness and it frightened me."

"I'm sorry," Walter said, barely above a whisper.

He reached out and brushed away a tear that was rolling down her face, making a bolt of electricity rush up her spine.

Her breath hitched in her throat, her eyes lost in his.

She remembered something that she had read, about when two people stared into each other's eyes, their hearts beat in synch.

She hoped that he couldn't hear hers, as it felt like it was about to burst out of her chest from beating so hard.

"Walter," she whispered.

He barely heard her, as he was in a daze, too focused on her chocolate brown organs of sight.

"Walter," she repeated. "Walter I-I need to tell you something. I have never been able to find the right time, and even if I did, I'd lose my courage to say it, so I-"

"Paige," he said, finally out of his trance.

She took a deep breath and smiled shyly.

"Okay, um, well, remember our 'social experiment'?"

Walter nodded, feeling like his stomach had dropped to his feet.

"Well, I-" she continued. "I-I lied."

He cocked his head.


"I lied. About-about not feeling anything. Because I-Well, because I did feel something. And you know what it was?"

She stepped dangerously close to him, where he was overcome with the smell of lavender.

It could've been the hand lotion, or what he was scared was about to happen, but he felt dizzy and weak in the knees.

"It was love, Walter. I felt like I was in love. With you."

Before Walter could process what he was doing, he had pulled her to him, and crashed his lips into hers.

Paige melted in his arms, as she had fantasized about this moment for months after they had done the "social experiment".

She had barely slept that night, and for weeks after that.

She still found it difficult to fall asleep, longing to feel Walter's lips on hers again.

She was pulled back to reality when they broke apart for air, and she felt like she was in a dream when she heard Walter start to stutter.

"I always said that love wasn't real, Paige. I could never solve it. But I think...I think I know what it is now. It's why I pushed you onto that other train car today. It's all because I-"

He took a deep breath and smiled shyly.

"It's because I love you."

Paige tried not to cry, but she couldn't help it.

The man standing in front of her had said love wasn't real at all only a little while ago, but right now, he had poured out feelings that Paige had thought he had buried.

"Walter," she said, giving him a watery smile. "I'm so proud of you. That's a lot of EQ you're showing, ya know."

He grinned back.

"I was only stating facts. And the fact that I love you is the best fact I've ever stumbled upon."


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