I Need You (Part II)

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It had been four days. Four days since Paige and Walter had seen each other. Four days since they had spoken. Four days Ralph had been trying to figure out what his mom was thinking about. Four days the team had attempted to ask Walter what had happened. Four days since Paige had melted in Walter's arms as he kissed her. Four days since they had realized that they need each other. That they love each other.

A majority of those 96 hours Paige had spent in her apartment, wearing the same pajamas that she had worn when Walter was over. A majority of those 96 hours Walter had spent in his loft, holding the shirt he had been wearing when he had went over to Paige's to his nose, breathing in her scent.

On the fifth day, Walter called Paige to inform her that the team had a quick job at a bank, and she was more than welcome to come along.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," he quickly added.

"No, no," she said, starting to smile. "I would love to."

Honestly, she really wanted to see him, just as bad as he wanted to see her.

And so he came to pick her up.

When she opened the door, smiles lit up both of their faces, and it took all of Paige not to pull him into a kiss. Little did she know, Walter was thinking the exact same thing.


"What is she doing here?" Happy whispered to Toby as Paige trailed Walter into the bank.

The shrink just shrugged. For once, he had no explanation.

As soon as Paige spotted the three geniuses and Cabe, she rushed over and pulled them into the tightest group hug imaginable.

"I'm sorry for calling Scorpion a 'crazy train'," she said. "I didn't mean it."

Toby chuckled a little. "We are pretty crazy."

"Does that mean you're back?" Sylvester asked timidly.

Paige glanced at Walter, then looked at the four again. "I guess it does. Will you have me?"

"Of course!"




And they tackled her into anther hug.


"Do you want to go get something to eat with us?" Walter asked as he closed his laptop and glanced at his watch. "We can go pick Ralph up."

Paige smiled. "Sure. Why not?"

But their plans were interrupted when three armed men, dressed in all black, burst into the bank. Walter instinctively stepped in front of Paige, shielding her in case the men decided to start popping off rounds.

"Walter," Paige said, her voice trembling.

She latched onto his arm.

"It's going to be okay," he stated.

The men ordered everyone to get on the ground. The geniuses, Cabe, and Paige obeyed, but Toby remained standing.

"What the hell are you doing, Doc?" Happy hissed.

"They're not just here to get a few thousand," he muttered under his breath. "They don't care if anyone gets hurts. They're on a mission, probably needing the money for something really important."

One of the men noticed the shrink standing.

"You! Down! Now!" he yelled.

Toby started to say something smart (out of habit) and Walter saw the man raise his gun.

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