He's Going To Jared

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"How are you not mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because I dreamed I was married to another woman?"

Paige sighed. "Walter, if you really think about it, it makes sense."

"Me, being Florence Tipton's husband," Walter frowned, "makes sense?" He paused, giving her an incredulous look. "Paige, what drug are you on? I mean, Florence is okay, but I would never-"

"Walter," she interrupted, "answer me this: Florence's voice was the first voice you heard after your fall, correct?"

The genius nodded.

"And this alternate universe you created in your mind was the exact opposite of how you would have things, yes?"

Her boyfriend nodded again.

"So, you're a genius. Put two and two together."

Walter sighed. "I know, Paige. But I just feel bad about it."

"Don't feel bad." She smiled, lightly squeezing his arm as she shifted in the hospital bed beside him. "I'm not upset."

"I know you aren't, but it bothers me that my mind would even come up with something as crazy as being married to someone besides you. You're the only person I would ever want to marry because you're the only person I'm ever going to love."

"Really?" Paige whispered, swiping at tears.

Walter smiled shyly before fully comprehending what he had actually said. And when he did, he wish he could die right then and there.

But then Paige giggled, distracting the genius from his embarrassment for the moment. It was nothing, however, compared to what left his girlfriend's lips next.

"Well, then. Let's do it."

Her statement was abrupt, startling the man.

"Huh?" Walter asked, afraid he had missed something she had said.

"Get married," Paige replied simply.

And with those two words, Walter Patrick O'Brien thought he had died and gone to the heaven he didn't believe in.

Paige must've realized that Walter wasn't going to be saying anything any time soon, so she piped up.

"Listen. When I got the call today that you had fallen and that you were on the floor and you were bleeding, oh God, Walter when I heard about all the blood, I honestly couldn't stop thinking about how you could die today. On the drive to the Garage, the only thing I could think about was how we might never have a future, we might never get married, we might never-" she paused, sucking in a sharp breath.

She started to cry. "Walter, what really killed me was that when I left, we weren't on the best of terms, and I swore to myself that would never happen again after you drove off that cliff a little less than two years ago. But you were at the Garage and I thought you would be okay, and we could resolve it later, but-"

Paige couldn't get any more words out before Walter wrapped her in a hug.

"Hey, it's alright. I'm okay."

"I know, but-"

"I'm sorry that I was unreasonable before you left," he interrupted. "I should've come with you and you wouldn't have had to gone through this."

"Walter, it's not your fau-"

"Paige, it is. I shouldn't have stayed at the Garage, not only to prevent this," he glanced down at the hospital bed, "but I should've spent time with you. I was an ass, and I'm sorry."

She remained quiet, her face buried in the crook of his neck, reveling in the fact that he was with her in that moment.

"Did you mean what you meant?" he asked after a little while. "About us getting married?"

Paige chuckled, lightly trailing her fingers over his arm.

"Weeeelllll," she smirked, "I would need a proper proposal. And then I might say yes."

Walter grinned. "As soon as I get released, I'm going to Jared's."

"You better."


wowowowowow i haven't updated in a over a month! (probably around two) and i'm so sorry for that!

i hope this short fanfic was worth the wait (it probably wasn't tbh lmao)

and yes, before y'all come @ me bc this would have never happened and it's too early for them to get engaged and all that, i just wanna say that @PasoFinoLove suggested this idea to me just for kicks and i mean, as one of my good friends katie put it, the best fanfictions are the unbelievable and fluffy ones so ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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