Good Morning

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Her eyes opened, her thick eyelashes faintly batting against her lids as she slowly blinked. She stared at the ceiling and winced as she shifted her leg, which was tangled with his.

Her muscles felt weak and sore, just like her energy, but to be honest, she couldn't think of a time in her life when she had felt happier. She couldn't think of a time in her life when she had felt more whole and more loved than in this moment.

Paige rolled over so she could see Walter's face, and grinned at the small smile that was playing across his lips. His eyes were still shut and she decided not to wake him, and just relish the moment of peace they had in their usual hectic lives. Paige's smile grew when she realized that they most likely wouldn't have a case today, due to the fact that they had just been rescued from a deserted island, and also that two of the team were off on their own romantic rendezvous. Maybe their time on that island hadn't been pointless, after all.

Paige pulled the covers over her exposed shoulders and snuggled closer to her partner, careful not to wake him. She gently raised his arm and draped it over her torso, burying her face in his chest and breathing his familiar and comforting scent that she loved more than anything. This is what she wanted to wake up to every morning, the sight of Walter's face and his smile, and just him.

Maybe Ralph would come scampering into their room and crawl up in bed with them and ask for breakfast. She would roll over and nudge Walter awake, begging him to get up instead of her to make her, (or their) son blueberry pancakes. He would protest, but obey, because he loves her too much to argue over something that small.

Paige's smile definitely couldn't get any wider as she thought of getting married to Walter, and having the family she didn't know she needed until just a few months before. She had a feeling that it could easily become reality.

She felt the subject of her thoughts shift and she carefully pulled back so she could watch his deep brown eyes flutter open.

"Paige?" he asked, his voice sounding gravelly from sleep.

She smiled sweetly. "Good morning, Walter."


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