Mission Accomplished

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This is for my very dear friend LAMA scorpionfan197.

She gave me the idea to look up OTP prompts and we both loved the "who hogs the blankets?" one (GOSH IT'S SO CUTE) so here it is!

I hope you all enjoy it! :)

ALSO: I'm pretty sure that the season four premiere date is September 25th, so 125 DAYS!!!!


Paige's eyes snapped open in the middle of the night, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. She could barely make out the shapes of furniture in the room, but she knew they were there from the hundreds, maybe even thousands of times she had been in Walter's loft.

And then she realized how cold she was. She moved a hand down to her stomach and then her leg, and she sighed when she figured out why.

Rolling over to face a lump next to her in bed, she poked it.

"Walter," she whispered. Walter didn't budge.

"Walter," she said again, but he still didn't wake up, his chest still rising and falling steadily. Paige fell back into her pillow and stared up at the ceiling, contemplating what to do.

She eventually turned onto her side and scooted closer to Walter, slowly wrapping her arms around his torso and snuggling into him. The woman felt him start to shift, and he leaned back so he could look at her face.

"Paige?" he asked groggily, his voice husky from sleep.

"You were hogging the covers," she replies simply, burying her face in the crook of his neck as he turns over.

Walter smirks. Mission accomplished.


Shorter than normal, but that's where the saying 'short and sweet' comes from. ;)

If this was any sweeter, I would have gotten a cavity writing it tbh

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