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WhatsApp Chats:
Zach Dempsey:
Hey bro. How you doing ?🤕
Monty De La Cruz:
Hey man. Everything's fine. My face hurts a bit and is blue/red. But it's okay ... Logan looks worse 😂
Zach Dempsey:
Oh Nice. Did you and Charlotte fuck?
Monty De La Cruz:
Haha what do you think man..😏 Sorry for being so aggressive yesterday.🤔 I was drunk and super pissed.
Zach Dempsey:
It's ok bro no big deal. How was it?😂
Monty De La Cruz:
She was so loud.. seemed kinda fake.. like she wanted to sound sexy ..but whatever.
Zach Dempsey:
Haha oh dudeee😂 so what are you doing about the situation between Logan and Mel?
Monty De La Cruz:
I don't know now. Logan's back at college so I don't see him but Mel.. man I don't want to see her crying at school or something. I'm mad at her but seeing her cry yesterday was kind of hard.
Zach Dempsey:
I think you should talk to her ... she seemed like she's really sorry. 😬
Monty De La Cruz:
Not now. I can't deal with her right now... also I called her a slut last night and that she deserved everything she got. I think I scared her when she leaned against the wall because I came so close .. and that punch right next to her head.. I was harsh ..
Zach Dempsey:
But do you really believe what you said .. That she deserved it? Like sober?
Monty De La Cruz:
I don't know.. she seemed like she's telling the truth .. but it's to early to accept her apology I'm still pissed.

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