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Conversation irl:
Mel: He is obsessed!!!
Sheri: He just showed up and annoyed everyone.
Mel: what about you? Are you okay ? You cried earlier.
Sheri: I'm okay. I'm just drunk and I couldn't handle the stress.
Jess: what about you Mel?
Mel: usually I'm about to cry in situations like these but right now I'm just pissed.
Jess: The best thing was when you pushed him.
Mel: Right?
-she looks at Jess and smiles.
Mel: ughhhh. I don't know what's wrong with him. Why is he so obsessed. He knows that I will never come back to him.
Sheri: he loves you
Jess: Mel: What?
-they turn to face Sheri.
Sheri: He always tells you that he loves you.
Jess: but he doesn't.
Mel: Sheri don't you think if he loved me he wouldn't have done all of the shit back then?
Sheri: Yeahhh... but he told me that he wants to be with you and Andrea told me that he always talks about you. He didn't even fuck a girl after you two broke up.
Jess: no way. It's been months.
Mel: that's what he tells Andrea.
Sheri: I think it's true.
Mel: Sheri I love you to death but no it's not. It's been 4 months and we're talking about Logan De La Cruz.
Sheri: okay but think about it. Have you ever seen him with a girl in the last 4 months? Did you ever see him replying to girls under his instagram pictures? Whenever he sees you he tells you that he loves you and wants to talk to you and he tries to be nice. I'm not saying you should forgive him.. but I think that's the reason why he's acting weird.
Mel: I don't even care if he loves me. He hurt me and I will never get hurt by him again. I don't trust him and on top of it all I fucked Monty.
Jess: Sheri: WHAT?!
Jess: you're here for 15 minutes and you only tell us that NOW?
Sheri: tell us everything.
Mel: Actually. We had sex twice. One time after Bryce party at my place and then the other time 1 hour ago.
Jess: where?
Mel: the beach.
Sheri: Amelia Grayson. Who would have thought you'd be such a risky girl.
Mel: stoop... I don't know what it is between us. He told me it was his best sex.
Jess: Oh my god.
Sheri: Don't you think it's weird?
Mel: yes! I hate knowing that Logan was the one who took my virginity not Monty.
Jess: don't you think we should look after them? I mean I'd love to hear more and I desperately hope that you will tell us but I'm scared what the boys are doing.
Mel: you're right. Let's go out.
-they look in the mirror a last time and then open the door. Logan is gone and Monty, zach, Justin and Alex are standing in a corner talking. Monty has a red cup in his hand. Mel walks up to him and takes the cup.
Mel: what's in it?
Monty: vodka with sprite.
-Mel takes a huge sip and leans against the wall.
Mel: I'll drink you have to drive.
Monty: I can drink too.
Mel: not if you drive.
Monty: But I want to.
Mel: okay whatever.
-she gives him the cup and takes his keys out of his pocket.
Mel: I'm going to be more angry if I drink anyway.
Monty: You ok?
Mel: I'm fine. It's just annoying because I hate him and he keeps on getting into my life.
Monty: so You're not okay..
Mel: It's just that he fucks up everything. He yells at all of you and slaps Zach. He even fought you a couple of weeks ago, Monty.
Zach: it's okay Mel.
Mel: no it's my fault.
Monty: Mel calm down. It's not and I hate to be the bad guy but I was the one who punched him.
Mel: BUT IT IS MY FAULT MONTY! he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. He wouldn't have shown up yesterday at Bryce or three weeks ago at Zachs and he wouldn't post pictures with the caption 'I miss you' even tho HE KNOWS that it makes me sick. He's selfish and ignorant and arrogant and he thinks everyone loves him. I had a good day today and he ruins it. AGAIN. Just because he can't accept the fact that there is someone in this world that doesn't love him.
- her head is red and her eyes are glassy. Monty walks up to her and hugs her tight. She breathes heavily and is about to cry but she tells her not to do that.
Mel: I'm sorry for yelling at you.
Monty: it's okay.
Zach: Mel you can talk to us about anything.
- she pulls herself out of Montys arms.
Mel: I would rather just drink something.
Jess: new plan: I drive you two home and you both drink.
Monty: Perfect.
- he hands her the drink and she chugs it all.
Mel: okay then let's party.

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